Play Sims 1 Widescreen & Windowed Mode (Windows 10)

Sims 1 Widescreen and Windowed Mode Windows 10

I’ve had The Sims 1 installed on my computer (Windows 10) for a while, and I’ve always been annoyed that I couldn’t play it widescreen and/or in windowed mode. As a content creator, this made it very hard for me to create Sims 1 content. 

After trying a number of different things, I finally found a relatively easy solution that worked. In this guide, I’ll show you how to run Sims 1 in widescreen and windowed mode. 

NOTE: This guide assumes you are using the Complete Collection download found here. This is the version I use, and I’m not sure if this will work if you have the disc version. It’s possible the fix might work if you are using a No CD crack with the disc version, but I don’t know for sure. 

How to Play Sims 1 in Widescreen

  1. Download The Sims 1 Complete Collection Widescreen Patcher by FaithBeam. Click on the blue letters for the most recent release. Then click on the zip file that appears at the bottom to download.
    Sims 1 Widescreen Patch Download 2
  2. Extract the contents of the file. 
  3. Open the folder, right-click on the Sims1WidescreenPatcher application and choose “Run as Administrator.” Sims 1 Widescreen Patcher Application
  4. If you get a message asking “Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes on your device?” Click “YES.”
  5. The application will open. Click on “Browse.” Sims 1 Widescreen Patcher
  6. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims\Sims.exe. The .exe file will be at the very bottom of the folder. Select it and click “Open.” Sims 1 Navigate to Exe
  7. Check the box next to “dgVoodoo2.” Click “Patch.” The progress bar will start moving, letting you know the patch is doing it’s job. When it’s complete, you’ll get a message that confirms the game was patched. 
  8. Now, you’ll have two applications in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims folder – one called “Sims” and one called “Sims Backup.” Right-click on the one called “Sims” and choose “Send To > Desktop (create shortcut).” Sims 1 Create Shortcut
  9. Now you’ll have an icon on your desktop called “Sims – Shortcut.” Double-click to play in widescreen mode. If you also want to play in windowed mode, follow the instructions below.

How to Play Sims 1 in Windowed Mode

  1. After you’ve sent the Sims shortcut to your desktop using the instructions above, right-click the shortcut and choose “Properties.” Sims 1 Shortcut Properties
  2. In the shortcut properties box, at the end of the “Target,” type in “-w -r1920x1080” without the quotation marks. Make sure to put a space between the end of the text and the -w.  Sims 1 Windowed Mode
  3. Click “OK” and you’re done! Now, when you launch the game you’ll be playing The Sims 1 in both widescreen and windowed mode. Have fun! 


  • When you zoom all the way out, there may be some minor visual glitches. It’s not noticeable if you stay zoomed in one or two clicks while playing. 
  • When you start the game, you’ll see a large blue border around the neighborhood screen. This goes away once you load a lot to play. 
  • If you’re having any issues, you may leave a comment but I most likely will not be able to troubleshoot for you here. Please join our Discord and ask for help in the “other-sims-games” channel.

23 thoughts on “Play Sims 1 Widescreen & Windowed Mode (Windows 10)”

  1. Hey Cindy,
    Great tutorial, the only issue I’m running into is when you go to choose dgVoodoo2 Patch is greyed out and cannot click it. Please help.

  2. Do you have a fix for the alt+tab issue I know some people have? Black screen when you go to return back to game. It hasn’t crashed, just has a black screen in front and won’t go away until to restart to game. You have to minimize again, then use task manager to end process. Also, how do you record your screen?

  3. Followed instructions to the letter, and when I try to start the game I get an error message.
    Game cannot be started because:
    DirectX 7, or Service Pack for NT6, is required. It could not be located.

  4. Big thanks for the The Widescreen Patcher you introduced. The Windows 10 quite annoying for me but most morden games/softwares require it.

  5. Cindy, I found your content last night on YouTube and you are fantastic (and hilarious)! Thank you so much for reminding me how much fun the earlier Sims games were!

    I’m in the process of getting The Sims 1 installed on my new laptop and I can’t wait to start playing again. πŸ™‚

  6. So, I went through these steps, and I did get The Sims to open in a window at the size I specified. However, inside the window is a biiiig blue border, and the game is still at 800×600 (I assume) within the border.. is this expected behavior or did I do something wrong? Thanks!

  7. The only thing with mine is when I put in dgvoodoo2 my patch button is grayed out it wont let me click patch. Not sure why its disabled

  8. Makes me sad that the “In the shortcut properties box, at the end of the β€œTarget,” type in β€œ-w -r1920x1080” without the quotation marks. Make sure to put a space between the end of the text and the -w.” part doesn’t work for me, I do exactly that but nothing changes in the game – it doesn’t end up windowed :/

    The widescreen and full HD resolution looks amazing tho, I love that

  9. I’ve never played Sims 1, Cindy! It’s so exciting to have this opportunity. First you showed me Sims 2 and now it’s my favorite game, then it was Sims 3’s turn. Now I’m installing this patch and getting ready to get to know the one that started it all. You’re amazing. I’m so glad I got to know you this quarantine. <3

  10. I’m so excited to play this game again after so many years! I did everything step by step but when I start the game my ui disappears?

  11. I like it how older Sims games are getting more attention than Sims 4. Pretty much shows that these games have more charms than the “six years of hard work” EA put in Sims 4.


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