The Sims 4 Gameplay Rules ~ Pleasant Sims Style

Sims 4 Gameplay Rules Pleasant Sims
Pleasant Sims Gameplay Rules for Sims 4

I have tried for many years to make The Sims 4 work for my specific gameplay style. Although it’s not perfect (and I require a lot of mods), I have finally created a system that I find enjoyable when I need a break from The Sims 2.

These are the rules and guidelines I use while I play. They are a constant work in progress, and I will add/remove/update as things change.

I also use a variety of mods to help me achieve this play style. You can see my recommended mods list here

UPDATED: February 01, 2024 (Updated Club Rules)

General Play Style

I play using a wants-based style. This means I don’t force my Sims to do things like work on their careers, build skills, or pursue relationships. They must “want” to do these things by getting a whim for them or doing them autonomously. The Hopes & Fears Mod and Personality Mod are NECESSARY for this play style. 

I let my Sims fail, and many will not rise to the top of their careers or achieve their lifetime aspiration – just like in the real world. I only direct my Sims to do things that they have a want for or to take care of their basic needs and keep them alive. Otherwise, whatever happens in their lives is totally up to them. 

I also play rotationally – meaning I play the entire neighborhood starting with one family and cycling through them all in rotations. See “Rotations” section below for more information and read my post on How I Play The Sims 4 Rotationally.

Game Options

These are the changes I make in the “Game Options” menu before starting a new game:

  • Pack Settings – I UNCHECK all boxes under Eco Lifestyle and Bust the Dust. This disables gameplay that I dislike. I also UNCHECK the box under Get Famous because I like to play with fame. I keep all other boxes checked.
  • Gameplay – I UNCHECK “Build Mode Items Grant Gameplay Effects” because I find this feature is too over-powering on my Sims’ emotions. I UNCHECK “Enable Neighborhood Stories.” This is essential for my gameplay style. I also make some changes to aging – see below.
  • Tutorials & Tips –  I disable the Guidance System and Discovery Quests, and I UNCHECK the box next to “Enable Help Center Icon.” The latter is just a personal preference and doesn’t really have any impact on my playstyle.


In Game Options, under “Gameplay,” I also make the following changes to aging:

  • Auto-Age (Played Sims) – Only Active Household
  • Auto-Age (Unplayed Sims) – NO*
  • Sim Lifespan – Normal

*I used to auto-age unplayed Sims, but I found I preferred the Sims 2-syle aging, where townies and NPCs do not age unless I make them playable.

I play with the Normal Sims 4 lifespans, and make no changes to the duration of each life stage.


I use the Lifetime Aspirations mod, which makes aspirations more like they were in Sims 2 and adds a lot of new ones. I also use The Personality Mod, which gives Sims a reward aspiration tied to specific whims. The reward aspirations include:

  • Family
  • Knowledge
  • Fortune
  • Popularity
  • Romance
  • Pleasure

If a Sim has an aspiration that doesn’t fit into any of these categories, I roll a random number between 1 – 6 to assign them a reward aspiration. This adds a lot of personality to your Sims. You could end up with a Family Sim with a Deviance aspiration or a Popularity Sim with a Nature aspiration, etc. 

I choose a Sim’s reward aspiration upon aging up to teen. 

Main Aspirations

I choose my Sims’ main aspirations based on their traits, likes, reward aspiration, and any other information I have about the Sim. I really don’t have a set-in-stone method I use for this. I just choose the aspiration that I feel suits the Sim the best.

Child Aspirations

All children in my game get the Grow Up Aspiration (get the mod here). This aspiration works similarly to the Grow Up Lifetime Want from The Sims 2. It determines if they grow up well or not.


I have my Sims join a career in four instances:

  1. Upon aging up to a Young Adult if they do not go to University.
  2. Upon dropping out of University and moving back home.
  3. They roll the want to start a certain career (thanks to The Personality Mod). 
  4. They roll the want to start a new job.

If Sims don’t roll the want for a specific career, I use their aspirations as a guide. If they don’t have an aspiration that corresponds to a certain career, I look at their traits. A creative Sim may go into the artist career, a foodie into the culinary career, etc. If their traits are no help, I roll to randomly choose.


Sims who have an aspiration, hobby, or trait that would lend itself well to self-employment may register with the Ministry of Labor.

For example, Darren Dreamer is a Painter Extraordinaire, so he registers to become self-employed and earns money selling paintings. I make this decision on a Sim-by-Sim basis depending on the particular Sim’s personality.

I treat self-employed careers like any other and they are subject to the same career rules as traditional careers. The same goes for freelancing.


I create three types of clubs in my game – age-based, family, and hobby. All playable Sims join the appropriate age-based clubs immediately, family clubs as soon as they’re children, and hobby-based clubs when they become young adults.

I set all clubs to open invitation to make adding Sims easier.

NOTE: I am now using the 15 Clubs per Sim mod to allow my Sims to join more than three clubs at a time. This is necessary for some Sims if they are part of two family clubs, an age-based club, and a hobby club. 

Age-Based Clubs

I create four clubs as soon as I start playing – Kids, Teens, Singles, and Elders. 

Kids Club

All the children in a world are in a club together. This way, they can start getting to know each other as young as possible. When a child ages up to a teen, they move to the teens club.

Club requirements:

  • Age: Child

Club activities:

  • Do homework
  • Be friendly with Kids Club
  • Play with toys
  • Watch TV
  • Play on playground equipment

Teens Club

All the teens in a world are in a club together. They continue getting to know each other as they grow up.

Club requirements:

  • Age: Teen

Club activities:

  • Be friendly with Teens Club
  • Be funny with Teens Club
  • Do homework
  • Watch TV
  • Listen to music

Singles Club

When a teen ages to a young adult, they join the singles club. This is a club for young adults to spend time together and date. Meeting place is the local nightclub.

Club requirements:

  • Age: Young Adult
  • Marital Status: Not married

Club activities:

  • Be friendly with Singles Club members
  • Be funny with Singles Club members
  • Be romantic with Singles Club members
  • Dance
  • Drink bar drinks

Once a Sim gets married, they are removed from the Singles Club and are no longer eligible for an age-based club.

Elders Club

When a Sim becomes an elder, they are eligible to join the elders club. This is a club for my older Sims to socialize.

Club requirements:

  • Age: Elder

Club activities:

  • Be friendly with Elders Club members
  • Gossip with Elders Club members
  • Drink coffee
  • Drink tea
  • Play cards

Family Clubs

Any time a family splits into more than one household, I put all the family members in a club together. I also add any new family member to the club as soon as they’re a child (toddlers can’t be added to clubs). I include spouses of family members too – when there’s enough room for them.

I name Family Clubs after the family name. For example, “Goth Family” or “Lothario Family.”

Club Requirements:

  • None

Club Activities:

  • Be friendly with Family Club members
  • Be funny with Family Club members
  • Watch TV or movies

Once a week or so when playing the households, I start a “family” gathering so all the family members can hang out and keep their relationships strong.

Hobby Clubs

I also create hobby clubs so Sims can make friends with other Sims who have similar interests.

All my playable teen (and older) Sims join ONE hobby club after they’ve chosen a hobby. I use the Hobby Mod by Missy Hissy to allow my Sims to develop their own hobbies. Once they’ve chosen a hobby and are at least aged teen or above, they may join the corresponding hobby club.

Death & Funerals

When a Sim passes away, I have a funeral service for them at the family’s home or the local church community lot, if available. 


After a family has a memorial service for a deceased Sim, I take the tombstone to the local cemetery, where the Sim is laid to rest for good. Family members may go and visit their dead loved ones at any time. I set the lot trait for the cemetery as “haunted.”

Favorites (Likes/Dislikes)

I allow my Sims to choose their own favorite music and colors. For activities, see the hobbies section below.


The way I choose my Sim’s favorite music is to wait until the first time I see them turn on the radio. Whatever radio station they chose, I set as their favorite (unless it’s just something really stupid and doesn’t make any sense for the Sim – then I give them a second chance).

If they choose something like tween pop or spooky when they’re a child, I reset when they grow up and let them choose again. I don’t mind letting my Sims grow out of something.


I choose favorite color based on the color the Sim is wearing when they age up. Their favorite color can change in each life stage – or it may randomly stay the same.

Whatever the dominant color in their random outfit becomes their new favorite color – even if I change the outfit. I remove the old favorite color in CAS and set it to their new one after aging up.


The Sims 4 has come a long way when it comes to managing bills and finances. Over the years, some amazing mods have been released that allow a very realistic and fun playing experience. This is how I handle my finances.

Bills & Banking

Every Sim – upon aging up to a young adult – opens a bank account of their own. Sims deposit at least 50 percent of their career income via direct deposit into their bank accounts. I use the SNB mod to manage bank accounts.

Sims who live together and are unrelated deposit 100% into their bank accounts and divide the bill payments accordingly. When Bills are due, each Sim in the house contributes their portion by transferring money from their bank accounts to the household funds.

If teens earn their own money, they may open a bank account and save their earnings separately to take with them when they move out as young adults. 

With the SNB Bills mod, Sims pay a deposit to setup utilities, cable, internet, and phone upon moving into a lot or the first time you play a lot. Poor Sims may forgo signing up for cable and internet if funds are tight, but everyone must have at least water, power, and garbage service (basic utility package).


For more of a challenge (and because I find it more realistic) I use the career overhaul mod to make career progression more difficult and engaging. I feel like Sims are overpaid big-time in The Sims 4 (and in all the other Sims games too).

This mod reduces salaries, required university degrees to reach the top of careers, and changes the career progression requirements to be more useful and realistic. 

Child Support

The SNB Bills mod is compatible with MC Command Center’s child support settings. I use these two mods to manage child support for children who do not live with both parents.

In MC Command Center, I set the child support percentage to 1% (default). Still, I have found this can be a LOT of money if your Sim is rich. In my personal game, Don Lothario is paying ~$27,000 in child support to Nina for his illegitimate child. But this is the lowest you can possibly set it.

I still like this better than having no child support. And I figure if a Sim is super rich, they can afford to provide their children with a good life anyway.


The SNB Bills mod also allows Sims to get welfare benefits if they qualify. I let any of my Sims apply for welfare if they meet the criteria. Here’s what the mod requires in order to get benefits:

  • Residential lot valued at less than $40,000 or rent less than $800
  • Cannot own a business
  • Unemployed, part-time employment, or full-time employment making less than $1,050 per week
  • Unmarried
  • Does not receive child support

So far, Brandi Broke in my Sims 4 Pleasantview has qualified and started receiving her benefits!

Gender Preference

When Sims age up to teens, I randomize their gender preference using the following guideline:

  • 20 percent chance that a Sim will be gay

I go to and roll a number between 1 – 100. If the number is 20 or below, the Sim becomes gay. If the number is 21 or above, they are straight. I use Wonderful Whims to set their gender preference. 

NOTE: I no longer play with bisexual Sims because I find it too much of a pain in the butt. My Sims are either gay or straight. No in between. I used to give Sims a 10 percent chance of becoming bisexual if they did not roll gay.

I realize 20 percent is a little higher than the percentage of gay people in real life. That’s because I play with a much smaller population in The Sims and I want some gay/lesbian couples in my game. This percentage seems to work for me and I usually end up with at least one gay couple in a generation.

If a Sim rolls as gay in their generation but no other Sims do, I will choose the Sim they are closest to of the same sex and also make them gay. If there is no obvious partner for the Sim among the playables (everyone is taken or they have no close friends, etc.), I allow them to choose the townie they like best. 


I use the Hobby Mod to assign hobbies to my Sims. With this mod, Sims are able to gain a hobby through natural gameplay. Each time your Sim performs a hobby-related interaction, there’s a 5% chance they’ll get a pop-up, asking if you’d like to add the hobby to the Sim. I wait for my Sims to naturally pickup a hobby (although the mod allows you to manually add them through reward traits if you like).

Neighborhood Stories

I disable neighborhood stories in the “Manage Worlds” menu. I prefer to play the entire neighborhood and be there for all the events that happen in my Sims’ lives. I don’t like to play with story progression, so I turn this option off.


When a child or teen asks for advice or parents get a call from the school, I roll a number between 1 – 100. If the number is 50 or lower, I choose the first option. If the number is 51 or over, I choose the second option. It’s always a gamble how these situations impact my Sims.


Pregnancy in my game lasts for the default 72 hours.

I use Wonderful Whims to manage fertility and menstrual cycles of my Sims. If they have unprotected woohoo and show signs of pregnancy like vomiting, I have them take a pregnancy test.

I also use Relationshp & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (formally known as Woohoo Wellness) to define a Sim’s preference for children. Some Sims want children and others don’t. Their reactions to pregnancy are determined by this preference. I allow the mod to auto-assign pregnancy preferences for most Sims. The exceptions are family-oriented Sims (always want a pregnancy) and hates children (never want a pregnancy).

For all Sims, I choose the “Let Fate and Time Decide.” This allows Sims to change their minds over time (or not). To choose this option, I click on the Sim and then choose Pregnancy & Family > Define Pregnancy Wish > Let Fate and Time Decide the Sim’s Wishes. 


I allow my Sims to get an abortion (through Woohoo Wellness) if they have an unwanted pregnancy and the partner Sim also does not want a child. (Yes, I know it’s the female’s body and her choice, but this is a game so don’t get so offended.)

If the pregnant Sim does not want the child, I have her ask her partner if he wants children. If he does NOT, then they get an abortion. If he DOES or is on the fence, they keep the baby. If they live apart, the father who wants the baby will take custody after birth.

Birth Control

I use Wonderful Whims for Birth Control. If a Sim’s auto preference from Woohoo Wellness is to NOT have children, I put that Sim on birth control (female) or buy condoms (male). This decreases the chances of a pregnancy if one Sim wants a child and the other doesn’t, but I leave it up to the individual. Sims who are neutral about having a child do not get birth control.

Fertility Treatments

I allow my Sims to get a fertility treatment if they have tried for baby three times without getting pregnant. Fertility treatments cost $950 and are available through the Wonderful Whims menu on the phone.


I play my families rotationally for four days each before moving to the next. I have aging disabled for households I’m not currently playing, so I can play every day of my Sims’ lives. 

I use MCCC to pause pregnancy for played families in case I have to leave a family with a pregnant Sim before she is due. I want to be present for all the births in my world.

Seasons & Holidays

 I set my season length to 28 days. This means eventually each family should experience each season while I’m playing them. I used to cheat the seasons so that every round was the same season for each family, but this became too much of a pain. Now, I just let the seasons change every 28 days.

My families celebrate the following holidays:

  • Spring Equinox
    • An Easter-like holiday in celebration of Spring.
    • Decoration theme is Spring.
    • Celebrated on the first Thursday in Spring.
    • Traditions include egg hunt, flower bunny, grand meal.
  • Summer Solstice
    • A celebration of summer.
    • Decoration theme is None.
    • Celebrated on the second Thursday of Summer.
    • Traditions include bar-b-que, drinking, fire, fireworks, and party spirit.
  • Autumn Equinox
    • A Halloween-like holiday and celebration of Fall.
    • Decoration theme is Spooky.
    • Celebrated on third Thursday of Autumn.
    • Traditions include mischief spirit, remembrance, spooky spirit, trick or treat, and wear costumes.
  • Winter Solstice
    • A Christmas-like holiday in celebration of winter.
    • Decoration theme is Winterfest.
    • Celebrated on fourth Thursday of Winter.
    • Traditions include attend father winter, festive spirit, grand meal, invite guests, and open presents.

Sims always get the day off work and school for holidays.

Because I play families for four days and my holidays only occur once every 28 days, not every family will celebrate every holiday every round. Celebrating holidays every single week becomes very tedious in my opinion, so I prefer to celebrate only once every 28 days. And the family that I happen to be playing at that time will be the ones to celebrate for that round. 


I randomize toddler traits because I really don’t care. They have no impact on who the Sim becomes. 

As they age from child to young adult, my Sims inherit one trait from their mother, one trait from their father, and one random trait of their own. I roll a number between 1 – 3 to choose the trait for each life stage.

  • Child – Inherits Trait from Father
  • Teen – Inherits Trait from Mother
  • Young Adult – Random Trait

If the trait I roll for (from the parents) is not available at the Sim’s age, I re-roll until I get one that does. In the rare case that NONE of the parent’s traits are available at the Sim’s age, I roll a random trait for that slot too.


I’ve started using my Sim’s high school grades to decide if they go to University.

  • Final Grade of A, B, or C – Sim goes to University.
  • Final Grade of D or F – Sim does not go to University.

Sims who go to University upon aging up move to Britechester and live in the dorms (see “Moving” below). They must take out student loans if their family cannot afford tuition after exhausting any scholarships.

Sims who do not go to University upon aging up, get a regular career or start working on their non-traditional occupation immediately.

I use the Career Overhaul Mod so it’s necessary for Sims to get a University degree if they want to reach the top of their career. If a Sim with no degree rolls the want to get a promotion and the promotion requires a degree, they may enroll in University. These Sims will attend part-time and live at home while they keep working. This can be very difficult, especially if a Sim has a family – which I find to be very realistic.

I also allow Sims who roll the want to apply to University (via Personality mod) to go if it makes sense for their lives.


When it’s time for a YA Sim to go to University upon age up, I move them into their own household. Any other Sims that are set to go to University during this round are added to the same household. After playing all families in the current rotation, I then play the University round. 

All the current University Sims live in a small lot together while they submit their applications and wait on acceptance. I call this the “University Students Lot.” Once they’ve been accepted to a University, I have them enroll in their degree programs (see below for choosing a degree) and move into the dorms. All Sims who attend the same University live in the same dorms.

If I end up with Sims in both universities, I switch back and forth between them, playing one day at a time in each household until graduation. If all Sims are in the same University, I play the household the entire time until graduation.


If the Sim has an aspiration or trait that corresponds to a certain career path, they enroll in the degree program that works best for that career. If the Sim does not have an aspiration or trait that aligns them with a specific career, I roll a number between 1 – 13 to choose a random degree:

  1. Art History
  2. Biology
  3. Communications
  4. Computer Science
  5. Culinary Arts
  6. Drama
  7. Economics
  8. Fine Art
  9. History
  10. Language & Literature
  11. Physics
  12. Psychology
  13. Villainy

Sims may choose a distinguished degree if they were accepted for one.

Term Length

I use the shorter University degrees mod (4 credit version) so my Sims only need four classes to graduate. This takes one week if the Sims pass every class. 

Sims who do not pass in one week are placed back into the “University Students Lot” in the home world. They will attend again in the next University round with the next batch of students. 

Wants-Based Play

My Sims can fail out of University if they don’t study and do their work. I play wants-based, which means my Sims only do coursework if they roll a want or do it autonomously. Because of the current limitations of wants, there are some exceptions.

When Sims roll a want to study or do homework, I have them choose the class that starts the soonest. There are no wants for presentations or term papers, so I make my Sims work on these whenever they have free time. Free time is any time that they aren’t taking care of needs or doing other University work that they’ve rolled wants for.

If a Sim who was working and attending University part-time fails out, they may enroll again if they roll the want to get a promotion again.

50 thoughts on “The Sims 4 Gameplay Rules ~ Pleasant Sims Style”

  1. Hi!! I just saw your video on Youtube and it’s actaully motivated me to start playing again! Ive found that the sims 4 for building was great but i missed the feel of the sims 2 game play (when I first started playing as a kid).
    I had a question though – how do you fit in a teen that goes off to college into your rotation? Do they just study from home, or do you add to the experience of dorm life? Do you actually play their rotation at their university?
    I wouldn’t know how to organize it myself – i thought okay just add it into rotation, but being in a completely different world with different townies etc, and also no advancing while it’s not an active household.. I confused myself hahah
    Thanks so much!!

  2. Hi Cindy! Is there any chance you could include a table of which in-game aspirations, in your opinion, fit under which reward aspirations from the mod you mention? I feel like some are a little iffy for me and would appreciate knowing what your thought process is!

  3. Hi Cindy! LOVE this and I’ve applied almost everything to my own rotational gameplay, so thank you so much for sharing! But I was wondering what you personally do with elder sims whose spouse has passed and children have all their own homes and families (or died unexpectedly)?

    • This is a good time to make a retirement home and move them in with some other elder townies – or wait it out and see if they can find love again!

  4. Hello Cindy! I found the way you use groups made me enjoy a lot more this game especially with university.

    Under the hobbies section in the club activities you can find university tasks that sims don’t do autonomously like writing their term paper, so I create a University Study Club with all of my university sims and they can choose what they’ll be studying for the day. I recommend people who struggle with this new university after having played only sims 2 university try this.

    Thanks for your hard work, love your content :).

  5. Hi Cindy! I know you don’t play sims 4 anymore, but I’ve been following some of your rules and absolutely love them, and I have a question I was hoping you wouldn’t mind answering!

    Since you have all your uni sims go together after you play the rest of your families, what do you do for your aging? Say one sim goes off to college at the beginning of their households round and another goes at the end of their round. Obviously they have different ages, but attend uni at the same time. What do you do to get your aging back on track? Thank you for answering if you’re able to! I absolutely love your sims 2 content and am currently working my way through your pleasant view livestreams!

  6. Hi, Cindy! One quick question: where can I get the Photographer’s Eye trait mentioned in your hobby system? Is it the one made by SimmerSarah? I found that one, but I can’t get that set of traits to work in my game and I’m still hopeful that I can find and alternative that does work since I find it really useful.

    Also, I wanna say that I found your channel some weeks ago and I’m really glad I did. I love your gameplay style and got heavily inspired start playing rotationally! Thank you for all the hard work that you put in this blog, it has been really helpful to get ideas, download mods and redesign my own gameplay. Keep the good work!

    Greetings from Spain. <3

    • Hi! Yes, the one I used was by SimmerSarah. I have not played Sims 4 or updated my mods for it in a while, so I’m not sure if it’s still working for me. Sorry! And thank you!

  7. Hi Cindy, I know you’re not playing Sims 4 now, but I have a question. I know you played rotationally and I’d like to give this a try myself as it’s something I’ve never done. Interested to know if you were just starting to play rotationally would you start a new save file or use a current save?

      • I would create a new save just to start everyone off at the same time. I either play the premades or ALL my own created Sims. I never mix the two. I would have a save file where I play only the Maxis premades and a separate save file where I play my own created Sims. Have fun!

  8. Hi, I know you recently updated this page. I know you now changed your way of choosing an aspiration but how do you select now an aspiration for your Sims (Not the ones with the Personality mod)? I also now use Lifetime Aspirations, but I still like to give them their aspiration based on traits. Do you have figured out a way yet maybe abbreviated from your previous system?

    • Hi Hendrik! I do also give them Sims 4 aspirations based on traits, when possible. I am going to update this post soon with my explanation! I deleted the old way and completely forgot to replace it. It’s basically the same as before. Any traits that correspond to an aspiration – I give them that aspiration. If no traits correspond, I give them a random aspiration.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing your rules! I was trying to play The Sims 4 and saw you updated your rules and I love them! The Personality Mod look so good, definitely gonna try it <3

  10. I’m really glad I found this! I’ve seen a lot of your videos about sims 2, and I wanted to try to do something similar in sims 4, I’ve been having a hard time having fun with it… I’ll try playing with your rules, hopefully it’ll help! If not, I’ll probably end up going back to sims 2… I didn’t know how much I missed wants and fears until i saw your videos, I didn’t even notice sims 4 disabled the whims… sims 4 still feels so empty 6 years in 🙁

  11. This is absolutely incredible! I’m definitely adapting some of this to my own gameplay. May I ask what made you decide to have 7 day seasons? I’ve noticed people who plays long life span tend to do 14 or 28 so that surprised me!

  12. I really like these ideas but (dont hate me please) the mathematics is wrong when referring to percentages lgbtq+. You said you roll once, 1-100, 21 is roll again to determine bi or straight. You multiply the probabilities if rolling a second time, so 80% chance of not-gay, multiplies by 10% chance of bi which works out at 8% overall chance of being bi, not 10%. I guess it doesnt really matter, it’s only 2%, but I’m a (just a little bit) maths nerd so it annoyed me a little bit. However love your ideas and am 100% using your idea for clubs x

    • Thanks, but I don’t really use this rule anymore. Will be updating the post when I have time. Now I use Wonderful Whims to set the population’s gay/bi percentage.

  13. Hi Cindy, have you ever tried playing with the Enlist in War Mod? I’m starting a neighborhood playthrough inspired by your Edgewood play style (starting with a few different families/people and populating the world that way) and I’m planning to incorporate it.

  14. Thank you for sharing this ! I love to see how other simmers play the Sims 4. The clubs idea is brilliant ! I might add it to my save file :).
    If you ever want to, I would love to watch it in videos (how you play multiple families, how you planned each city, show us the clubs and everything ! :D).
    Thanks again for the inspiration !!

  15. Can I ask what your MCCC settings are for pregnancy and relationships? I keep tweaking but I seem to end up with a lot of random children!!
    BTW I love this breakdown of your rules – I think I said that on YouTube too!

  16. This looks so good! I actually though about givin sims a really long livespan and just leave aging on all the time, as it’s too much of a hussle for me to turn aging off for Townies after the first household of a round. I don’t play much Sims 4 as it doesn’t really run smoothly on my PC but I’m planning to get a new one soon and hope to be playing more then (I mean, I spent a lot of money for packs and stuff ‘=D ) I also like how your are using clubs! Might draw inspiration from that too. Do you also have a spreadsheet for keeping track of your sims? I know you are the queen of spreadsheets! xD

  17. Baby: 56 days… Lmao. I used to age up babies immediately. And I’ve set the duration of toddler life stage to 3 days and to 5 days for children. But even that was too annoying for me, so now I completely disabled spawning of NPC children through MCCC, and my played sims do not have children. If I want them to reproduce, I use “play with genetics” in CAS and make them a teenage daughter/son.

  18. Love these, as always great ideas to make ts more interesting, but I could never have a baby for more than 2-3 days hahaha too annoying!

    • Thank you, Cindy, I love your content so much! Can you please help me with age span settings for cats & dogs? How to make it realistic?

      • Hi! These are my MC Command Center Settings for dogs and cats:

        • Set Age Span Duration > Cat
        o Child = 28.0,30.0
        o Adult = 220.0,224.0
        o Elder = 84.0,90.0

        • Set Age Span Duration > Dog
        o Child = 28.0,30.0
        o Adult = 220.0,224.0
        o Elder = 80.0,84.0

  19. For Eco Living and the NAPs, you can disable NPC voting in the game settings. As long as you don’t let your actives vote, no NAPs will come up. You’ll still get the notifications for the voting times though.

    • Thanks! I need to go back and experiment with this more – and I will after I get University down. When the pack was first released, this didn’t work properly without mods and Sims still acted like idiots even with voting off. I’m hoping they fixed this and maybe with mods and disabling this (plus the footprints), it will be tolerable!

  20. I’ve recently been struggling to play TS4 in an enjoyable way. I started a Random Legacy Challenge which has already been fun for me.
    Some of this post makes me think I should look into getting Get Together to make clubs because that seems like a good addition.
    I haven’t been using any mods and don’t think I will but the WooHoo Wellness one sounds awesome!
    Love your videos and content. (:

    • I love the Club Feature and it’s the best “new” thing Sims 4 has added to the game IMO. It makes it easy to group up your generations and helps your Sims make friends. Get Together is my favorite expansion for Sims 4, so I would definitely recommend it.


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