The Sims 2 Alien Abduction Guide

Sims 2 Alien Abduction

In The Sims 2, alien abductions were included in the base game. And for the first time, your male Sim could return pregnant! There’s nothing I love more than some alien babies in The Sims 2 (except maybe regular babies). 

In this guide, we’ll cover all aspects of alien abduction and pregnancy in The Sims 2 – including how to get abducted, how to increase your chances of getting pregnant, cheats, mods and more!

How to Get Abducted

In the vanilla game, if an adult Sim uses the Farstar e3 telescope (the expensive one) between the hours of 7:00 AM and 2:00 AM, there’s a five percent chance they’ll be abducted by aliens. That’s a pretty low chance.

If you play the scripted events in Strangetown, Vidcund Curious is abducted immediately if you take him to the telescope just after loading the household. This scenario is meant to teach the player about alien abductions.

Sims 2 Strangetown Scripted Event
Vidcund wants to explore the heavens, and he’ll be rewarded with an alien abduction.

Vidcund comes back pregnant, too! And his brother Pascal is also pregnant with an alien baby at the start of the game.

But if you want your own Sim to get abducted, you’ll need to try your luck each night using the telescope. However, there is a non-cheat way to ensure your Sim gets abducted.

Summon Aliens

If you want to ensure your Sim is abducted as quickly as possible, give them the “Summon Aliens” aspiration benefit. (NOTE: Aspiration benefits came with the Free Time expansion.)

Summon Aliens Aspiration Benefit
Give Knowledge Sims the “Summon Aliens” aspiration benefit to increase chances of abduction.

This benefit is only available to knowledge Sims, so keep that in mind if you’re creating a specific Sim you want to be abducted. Sims with a secondary knowledge aspiration do NOT get this benefit. They must have a primary knowledge aspiration.

Once you’ve assigned the benefit, the Sim will have a new interaction on both the expensive and cheap telescopes. Choose “Summon Aliens” and your chances of being abducted increases dramatically.

Summon Aliens Sims 2
Summon Aliens on the expensive telescope to be abducted more quickly.

When you choose “Summon Aliens” on the telescope, your Sim uses a flashlight to get the alien’s attention and summons them to earth.

If you have cut scenes turned on, you’ll see the abduction cut scene for both the cheap and expensive telescopes. If you have cut scenes turned off and use the cheap telescope, however, your Sim simply vanishes because the cheap telescope does not have abduction-specific animations.

During & After Abduction

You’ll know your Sim is about to be abducted when you get the abduction cut scene (if you have cut scenes turned on). It’s probably my favorite of all the cut scenes in the game – especially the part when your Sim is dropped off afterward and realizes they’ve been “probed.”

Sims 2 Alien Abduction Cut Scene
You’ll see a cut scene (cinematic) when your Sim gets abducted.

If you don’t have cut scenes turned on (special events camera is what this is called in the game), then a blue beam will appear and your Sim will be sucked up into an unseen spaceship while trying to hold on to the telescope.

While your Sim is abducted, their needs fluctuate wildly – simulating the “experiments” being performed on them by the aliens (at least that’s how I imagine it). They’ll be gone for about three Sim-hours before being dropped back to earth. You’ll see a cut scene of the return, too.

When your Sim returns, he’ll be exactly the same as when he left. Need meters are returned to wherever they were at the time of the abduction. The only difference is your male Sim might be pregnant with an alien baby!

Female Sims cannot get pregnant through alien abduction unless you use a mod (see mod section below).

ElectroDance Sphere

If you have the Nightlife expansion, a Sim who has been abducted via the telescope at least once can also be abducted while using the ElectroDance Sphere on the medium or high setting.

Sims 2 ElectroDance Sphere Abduction
There’s a small chance of getting abducted from the ElectroDance Sphere.

The chances of this happening are very slim, but the more times a Sim has been abducted previously the greater their chances of being abducted from the Dance Sphere.

When your Sim is abducted from the Dance Sphere, they disappear for two Sim-hours and then reappear just as mysteriously. Their needs do not fluctuate like they do in a normal abduction. This abduction can result in pregnancy too.

Alien Pregnancy

In the base game, male Sims always come back pregnant as long as they’re at least five days away from becoming an elder and there are fewer than eight Sims in the current household. However, the Free Time expansion introduced a reduced chance of pregnancy.

If you have Free Time, Apartment Life, or the Ultimate Collection, there’s a chance your Sim will NOT come back pregnant (unless you use a mod).

If you play the Curious household in Strangetown, Vidcund always comes back pregnant from his abduction. It’s part of the scripted events in the base game that teach the player about new game mechanics.

You’ll know your Sim is pregnant when they begin displaying the signs of pregnancy in the first 24 hours after abduction. These include throwing up, needs going down faster, feeling queasy, and/0r a pacifier appearing in a thought bubble above the Sim’s head with a question mark next to it.

Sims 2 Male Maternity Clothes
Vidcund Curious wears male maternity clothes in The Sims 2.

After 24 hours, your Sim gets their first baby bump. The Sims 2 treats alien pregnancies exactly the same as regular pregnancies. Male Sims wear maternity clothes and get time off from work.

After 72 hours, the new baby is born. A slightly different version of the birth cut scene plays when an alien baby is born (if you have the special events camera enabled, of course).

Sims 2 Alien Baby Birth Cut Scene
A new father adores his alien baby in the birth cut scene.

In this version, the baby floats around the father, who catches the baby in his arms. The father looks afraid and disgusted when first looking at the baby, but becomes affectionate and gives him a cuddle when the baby smiles at him. (It’s quite adorable!)

Alien Genetics

In The Sims 2, alien babies born from abduction get half their genetics from their Sim parent and half their genetics from an NPC alien known as the “Pollination Technician.” Every neighborhood has a single pollination technician who serves as the “father” of all the alien babies born in that ‘hood.

Alien babies will not show any alien facial structure until they become toddlers. As babies, they have the same facial structure as human babies. They also have green skin and a greater than 50 percent chance of chance of having alien eyes.

Sims 2 Alien Baby
Alien abduction babies can have alien eyes or human eyes.

According to The Sims 2 Prima Guide, the alien facial structure expresses later due to the mystery of alien DNA. (Imagine spooky music plays here.)

Once a Sim born via alien abduction has a child of their own, standard Sims 2 genetics rules apply and all his alien features are treated as dominant.

Alien Abduction Trivia

Here are some random things that don’t fit in other categories you might want to know about alien abduction in The Sims 2:

  • Sims with a knowledge aspiration get a positive memory of being abducted by aliens, while Sims with all other aspirations get a negative memory.
  • Knowledge Sims often have a want to be abducted (or to see a relative be abducted). This is a fear for Sims with other aspirations.
  • If you have the University expansion pack, teens who have been abducted can apply for the Extraterrestrial Reparations Grant, which provides a scholarship of 1,500 Simoleons.
  • A young adult Sim in University who gets abducted will not get pregnant until he moves back to the main neighborhood and ages up to an adult.
  • The space ship in The Sims 2 is modeled after the one in Sim City 3000.

Alien Abduction Cheat

There is one alien abduction cheat in The Sims 2 – but it stopped working with the Seasons expansion pack. If you have the Ultimate Collection or any expansion after Seasons, this cheat is obsolete. It will work, however, if you only have the base game or expansions before Seasons.

Hold down Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console. When the white bar appears at the top of the screen, type in “boolprop testingcheatsenabled true” without the quotes to turn on testing cheats.

Now, hold down Shift and click on any telescope. Then choose “Be Abducted.” Your Sim will instantly be abducted.

Sims do not get the memory of abduction from this cheat. But it otherwise works the same as a normal abduction. Male Sims still come back pregnant if they are five days or less from becoming an elder and there are fewer than eight Sims in the current household.

Alien Abduction Mods

There are several mods out there that can increase the odds of abduction, increase chances of alien pregnancy, and more. Here are the ones I can recommend:

  • Higher Odds of Abduction – Increases the overall odds of being abducted by aliens when stargazing.
  • No Alien Sexism – Allows both male and female Sims to become pregnant from alien abduction, and increases the chance of pregnancy to 100%.
  • No Alien Pregnancy – Reduces chances of pregnancy from abduction to 0%.
  • Multiple Pollination Technicians – There are several “multi PT” mods out there, but this is the one I use. Allows you to have multiple pollination technicians in your neighborhoods so all alien babies are not related. Also gives them MUCH better genetics.

17 thoughts on “The Sims 2 Alien Abduction Guide”

  1. Hi Cindy,
    I just wanted to ask if you know how much the mod “Higher odds of abduction” increases your chances of being abducted. ‘Cause I’d like a slighty bigger chance but nothing crazy (crazy being more than 30% chance)

  2. Hi, I love your stuff and your videos!
    I also highly appreciate the fact that I keep learning new stuff about my favourite game in the series, but there’s one thing that I’d like to point out about your post.
    You mentioned that alien babies have a face structure the same as all other babies, but actually aliens are the one exception to the rule because you can clearly see if they have those big alien eyes and almost non-existing nose as soon as they are born! And I have a suspicion that if you looked closely enough you could also see differences in other facial structures, like brow shape for example. This last part I’m not 100% confident about, but the eyes and nose are definitely different from a regular baby texture.
    Just wanted to mention that, aside from this little thing, love your post, I never knew that sims can get abducted from the electrodance sphere!
    Keep up the good work and remember that we, your fans, cherish you deeply. Take care 🙂

    • Hi Julia! You’re right about the eyes – those are considered different than face structure (nose, mouth, cheeks, etc.) As I said in the article, the baby always has a chance of getting alien eyes. As for the rest of the face structure, that information came directly from The Sims 2 Prima Guide. BUT..the prima guides are not always correct. Sometimes they were written before the game was finalized and the developers may have made a last minute change that is not reflected in the guide. Whether face structure of alien babies is one of those things, I’m not sure. But I will research it more and if necessary update the post. Thanks for your comment!

  3. Hi Cindy!

    I don’t usually comment, but I’ve been following your stuff (videos, streams, website) for a good while now, and really enjoying it. However, in light of your stream from a couple days ago where you showed off your Pleasantview in TS4, I wanted to say a few things.

    Firstly, I wanted to offer a little tip for the fence issue at Flora Della Rosa’s home. Try placing a piece of fence somewhere else on the lot and then just select and pick it up and place it in the gap. That way it should go there without forming a room with the rest of the fence and messing up the other fence on the inside. Hope this helps! This can also be used to upload or save whole apartments (except ones using platforms) to the gallery or your library without having to leave gaps in the walls.

    I was also going to comment on the black flashing you were experiencing with slotted objects, saying you might be using an outdated version of lotharihoe’s Brighter Foundations, but then I saw someone mentioned it to you in the chat. Into The Light and Out Of The Dark have also been updated recently.

    Finally, I wanted to direct you to some CC that you might find useful. Or not, but I’m just gonna leave it here in case. Animated & Functional Bathroom Stalls by simadream on Mod The Sims. Its page on MTS also links to an expanded version of it with a lot more options (and beyond just toilet stalls). Also, simsi45 on Mod The Sims has converted most of TS2’s carpets, tiles, stone, and wooden floors to TS4 (many with several extra color swatches not in TS2), as well as some TS2 Stuff Packs (Ikea, Family Fun, Glamour Life, and Teen Style). I love it!

    Anyway, that’s it from me! Take care!


    • Thank you Lance! Yes, I removed brighter foundations and it fixed the black flashing. I will look into that CC when I get a chance, and thank you for the tip about the fence!

      • You’re welcome!

        Btw, Brighter Foundations has since been updated, so it’s safe to re-download. As have Into The Light and Out Of The Dark to fix a darkness oddity.

        Have you heard of Purple Skies, an outdoor lighting overhaul by this same creator? It removes the blue (or yellow/purple/green depending on the world) tint from the outdoors environment and shadows, as well as some other nice tweaks. However, it’s a bit tedious to install and maintain. It doesn’t go into the Mods folder. Instead, it goes into the game’s install directory, where the game’s world files need to be replaced with modified versions by lotharihoe. Unfortunately, this also means that the Purple Skies files have to be re-installed after every game patch, because patching puts back the original world files every time. That’s not for everyone, but personally I think it’s worth the hassle. Makes everything look so much more natural and better. And every time a pack comes out that includes a new world, lotharihoe modifies the new world as soon as possible for Purple Skies. I honestly cannot play without this anymore!

        Have a good one!

        • Thanks! No, I haven’t heard of it, but honestly sounds like more trouble than it’s worth (for me). Lol! I stopped using reshade because I didn’t want to reinstall it again. But I don’t know – I might look into it. Thanks for letting me know!

  4. Great content, thanks so much, Cindy! It’s a pleasure to read all of your posts, they’re well-structured, clear and fun 🙂

  5. Wow, I had no clue your Sim could get abducted when using the ElectroDance Sphere! The Sims 2 never fails to surprise. Thank you for the article!

  6. Wow, I’ve been playing for years and I’ve never been abducted! Can you get abducted on TS4? I’m gonna try and get abducted in TS2, those alien eyes are too darn cute! Thanks Cindy.

  7. Hi Cindy,

    I just wanted to let you know that there are thousands of people out here who you’ve never met who care about you. I’m one of them 🙂

    You have touched the hearts of many, both with your Sims content, and your vlogs.

    I wish you the best in your life and in everything you do. If you decide you can never come back to the Sims community, just know that you will be missed.

    Thank you for the content you’ve given us.

    With much love,


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