Have you always wanted to explore Pleasantview as an open world? Well, now you can in our Sims 3 version of this iconic neighborhood!
What started as a daunting solo project soon turned into a collaboration with my friend and fellow Simmer, Caleb (aka PlaySims). He did an amazing job creating many of the lots to complete Pleasantview (and all of the NPCs). If you want to see more of his amazing builds, visit his blog or Youtube channel. Thanks Caleb!
This world was created with basegame and Late Night content only (no CC). It’s populated by all the Pleasantview residents, townies, and original NPCs. Includes a brand-new map that’s as close as I could possibly get to the original ‘hood (made in CAW).
I wanted to keep it basegame only, but unfortunately The Sims 3 BG does not include hot tubs or dart boards. And it just wouldn’t be Pleasantview without hot tubs and dart boards! So, you will need the Late Night expansion for everything to work properly.
Here’s a lovely trailer created by Caleb:
And here’s my video tour, if you want to see more:
Residential Lots

The residential lots are as close to the originals as possible, but I did make a few additions. Since The Sims 3 basegame comes with air conditioners, toilet paper roll holders, and electrical boxes, all homes have these installed. Likewise, Night Life comes with air conditioning vents, so all homes also have vents to complete their heating/cooling systems.
And finally, all homes are equipped with smoke detectors and at least one light in every room. It really bugs me how in TS2 you can buy a house and it won’t have any lighting in it. I think it’s very rare that would happen in real life, so I installed a realistic number of light fixtures on each lot.
A note about hot tubs: The Sims 3 does not have free-standing hot tubs. They are all sunken in the ground. And if you place one on a rooftop, it protrudes into the room below. This was a problem because both Don’s and the Caliente’s condos have rooftop hot tubs. I used a frieze to make a tiny space on the roof for the bottom of the hot tub to sink into. This results in a slightly different look than the original, but the hot tubs are there! Plus, I think it looks kind of neat, too.
Community Lots

Community lots come equipped with air conditioners, air vents, electrical boxes, and dumpsters. Community lot bathrooms include mirrors, soap dispensers, and toilet paper roll holders.
Once again, no custom content. This is all stuff that comes with basegame or Night Life. All community lots also have bike racks and parking. Exceptions are the Criminal Warehouse (no bike racks) and City Hall, Woodland Park, and Woodland Cemetery (no dedicated parking).
290 Main Street (clothing store) and 330 Main Street (grocery/game store) have been replaced by rabbit hole shops and made into a “downtown” area. Functional versions of the original lots can be recreated with mods and a LOT of CC. But I decided not to include any CC or mods in this world because I wanted as many people as possible to be able to play it.
Rabbit Holes

Because of the way The Sims 3 handles jobs, it was necessary to add certain lots to the world that were not part of the original Pleasantview. This is the only way your Sims can go to work and take classes. In this CC-free Pleasantview, I kept the Sims 3 functionality by using rabbit holes.
One of each type of the basegame rabbit holes have been added to the world including:
- Military Base (military career, handiness class)
- Science Facility (science career, logic and gardening classes)
- Grocery Store (grocery shopping, part-time job, fishing class)
- Book Store (book shopping, part-time job)
- Restaurant/Bistro (culinary career, cooking class)
- Spa (part-time jobs)
- Abandoned Warehouse (criminal career)
- City Hall (political career, charisma class)
- Hospital (medical career)
- Mausoleum (part-time job, part of the cemetery)
- Corporate Tower (business and journalism careers, writing class)
- Police Department (law enforcement career)
- School (education career, painting class)
- Stadium (sports career, athletic class)
- Theater (music career, instrument classes)
Think of this as a majorly updated, more realistic version of Pleasantview that includes all the services and amenities of a real town.
If you have expansion packs, there is PLENTY of room to add additional lots to the world (fire station, junk yard, consignment shop, etc.) You can go to World Editor in the game and add new lots anywhere you like. You may have to remove some trees, but there is still a lot of empty flat space along the roads.
Playable Families
The world includes all the playable families from the OG Pleasantview – including the Burbs and Oldies. All playable families were created by me, with the exception of the Oldie Family who were created by Caleb. The Burbs and Oldies live in the starter houses on Main Street and Woodland Drive.

Note: Bella Goth is dead and buried in the Goth family cemetery. She died of electrocution. Skip Broke is dead (drowning) and buried in the Woodland Cemetery. Darleen Dreamer is dead (fire) and buried under the Willow Tree at the Dreamer’s home. Michael Bachelor is dead (old age) and his remains are located in the Caliente Condo. No other ancestors are included.
Townies & NPCs
Creating all the townies and NPCs was a challenge – not because of how many there are – but because making exact replicas of the TS2 versions was nearly impossible without custom sliders. In case you didn’t know, many Sims in TS2 have the EXACT SAME FACE. Also, the CAS and art style is SO different in The Sims 3.
So, I had to make some changes and make them over Sims 3 style. I tried to keep their overall appearance recognizable, obviously using their original skin tones, hair and eye colors. I also kept any stand-out features, like Komei Tellerman’s angular face and Sandy Bruty’s lips, etc. I got as close as I possibly could – but some Sims have slightly different hair and/or outfits than their original counterparts.
Townies were created by me and NPCs were created by Caleb. Please note that The Sims 3 only requires two NPCs of each type instead of the three that TS2 uses. We selected two of each NPC type. The only exception are the maids – Kaylynn, Lucy, and Remington are all included.
WARNING: If you play with Nraas Story Progression, DO NOT get rid of homeless Sims when prompted or all the townies will be deleted.
There are some NPCs that did not have a Sims 2 equivalent. Your game will generate the following:
- Magicians
- Science geeks
- Repo-man and repo-woman
- Social workers
While Sims 2 did have repomen and social workers, they were not actual Sims with names and personalities that could be recreated.
Download The Sims 3 Pleasantview

And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for – the downloads! There are two versions of the world available – one is populated and one is unpopulated (in case you don’t want to use our Sims).
Unpopulated Version
The unpopulated version is a Sims 3 package file. Simply place it in your Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > Downloads folder. Then install it through the launcher as you would any other Sims 3 pack. It will show up in your list of neighborhoods when you start a new game.
Alt Download Links: SFS / Media Fire
Populated Version
The populated version is a shared save. Due to the limitations of the Create-a-World tool, it’s impossible to share populated worlds that include dead Sims. So, the families were added in-game and must be shared as a save file.
Installation Instructions
- Install the unpopulated world using the instructions above.
- Download the zipped file below. Extract the folder from the zipped file using 7-zip or another similar program. The extracted folder is the save file.
- Place the save file in your C:/…Documents/EA Games/Sims 3/ Saves folder after you’ve installed the world.
Now when you start the game, you’ll have a new save file that is the world with Sims in place and ready to play. If you want to start over, you’ll have to replace the save file. To prevent the need for this, immediately use the “Save As” function when you open the save to create a clean copy of the save.
Alt Download Links: SFS / Media Fire
When you first open the game, all the Sims, careers, skills, relationships, etc. are exactly as they are in TS2 Pleasantview. Don Lothario will be the active household. If you use story progression, things will start to happen almost immediately.
You need to change the following setting in NRaas Story Progression to prevent the game from deleting the Pleasantview Townies:
- General Options > Options: Households > Mange Homeless = False
If you don’t use NRaas Story Progression, I have no idea what will happen to the townies. I can’t help you there. See the rest of my recommended mod settings here.
Updates and Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been found and fixed in the shared save. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, please re-download or perform the fixes outlined below.
- Angela and Lilith were not set as enemies. This has been fixed. You can re-download or use Master Controller to set their relationship to enemy.
- Weird trees floating off the ground on the big hill before the bridge. Fixed. Re-download or fix the trees in World Editor.
- Routing issues with the Pleasant Family. They couldn’t leave their lot. Fixed. For some reason, the fence around their property was preventing them from leaving the lot. Moving it one tile away from the edge fixes the issue.
- Doors were missing on the second floor of the Caliente condo. Fixed 04/21/20.
- Ceiling went all the way through the top floor of Goth house (my fault). Fixed 04/24/2020
- Townie Brittany Parker was missing. She’s back as of 04/24/2020.
Recommended Mods
Although you can play this world with no mods or custom content at all, I do recommend a few things to improve your gameplay experience. These are totally optional.
- Nraas Story Progression – If you want to play rotationally like in The Sims 2, see this tutorial. Also recommended to control your population and prevent the game from deleting the custom townies or adding new ones you don’t want.
- Nraas Error Trap – Although optional, HIGHLY recommended. This mod will catch any routing errors and significantly decrease lag.
And of course, I always recommend checking my Sims 3 recommended mods list.
Placing Expansion Lots
Here’s a guide to placing expansion pack lots in Pleasantview. There is space for them if you know where to look! You may not want or need to place every single available expansion lot. This is just to help you with placing the ones you do want.
Seasons: Festival Grounds
Festival grounds can be placed across the road from the Doo Peas Corporate Tower. Here’s how to place them.
- Go into “Edit Town” and then into “World Editor.” Select the “trees” tab and remove all the trees from the area. Remove trees by selecting them with your mouse and pressing the “Delete” key on your keyboard. Note: If you don’t remove trees, you can still place the lot and the trees will be removed automatically. I just prefer to move the trees myself and reposition them after the lot is placed.

- Now, select the “Lots” tab and place a 64×64 lot along the road. It won’t place right in the corner, you’ll have to move down the road a few spaces.

- Next, click the “World Editor” button again to return to Edit Town mode.
- Click on your new lot and select “Change Lot Type.” Choose “Community” and from the drop-down box choose “Festival Grounds.”
- Select the “Community Lots” tab. Choose the Festival Grounds you like and place a copy on the new lot. You’ll be prompted to rotate the lot. You may want to place a few trees along the side of the lot next to the road, but that’s up to you!

Ambitions: Salon & Tattoo Parlor
There’s room for the Salon and Tattoo Parlor right across the street from the Condo District and behind Brandi Broke’s house. Follow the steps above for placing a lot in World Editor.
- In World Edtior, place a 30×20 lot in the corner as pictured below. This lot needs to be placed in a corner or it won’t look right because it’s actually 20×30 in size and World Editor doesn’t give you an option for a lot that size.

- Next, click the “World Editor” button again to return to Edit Town mode.
- Click on your new lot and select “Change Lot Type.” Choose “Community” and from the drop-down box choose “Salon.”
- In Edit Town, go to community lots and find the “Barney’s Salon and Tattoo.” Place it on your lot and rotate it toward the road if necessary. You will have to manually remove the Oak Tree beside it in World Editor or it will protrude into the lot as seen below.

Ambitions: Fire Station
There are a few places you can place the Fire Station, but I prefer to place it across the street from the Day Spa.
- In World Editor, place a 30×20 lot across from the Day Spa. Make sure the shorter end of the lot is against the street. You can turn lots by using your mouse or the > and < buttons on your keyboard.

- Next, click the “World Editor” button again to return to Edit Town mode.
- Click on your new lot and select “Change Lot Type.” Choose “Community” and from the drop-down box choose “Fire Station.”
- In Edit Town, go to community lots and find the “Community Fire Department.” Place it on your lot and rotate it toward the road if necessary.

Ambitions: Other Lots
Now that you have the hang of placing lots, I’m gonna simplify things and just tell you the lot sizes and locations for the remaining lots.
- Junk Yard (Grady’s Junk Stop Junkyard) – Lot size: 30×20, Lot type: junkyard, Placement: across the street from the shack on Oak Street. Once again, you’ll need to remove some of the trees in World Editor or they will overlap the lot as seen below.

- Consignment Store (Landgraab Sell n’ Swap) – Lot size: 30×20, Lot type: Consignment Store, Placement: beside the fire station and across the street from the library.

Pets Lots
- Equestrian Center (Petite Pony Equestrian Center) – Lot size 40×40, Lot type: equestrian center, Placement: on Main Street at the edge of town near the small pond.

- Horse Training Grounds (Pump it Pony Training Grounds) – Lot size: 40×40, Lot type: Horse Ranch, Placement: next to the equestrian center on Main Street near the small pond. This is actually a 40×30 lot, which is not available in World Editor so it doesn’t fit quite right. You can make it look nice by extending the path from the entrance to the road.

- Dog Park (Faux Paw Dog Park) – Lot size: 30×20, Lot type: Dog Park, Placement: Main Street past the condos and before the bend in the road.

- Cat Jungle (Litter Acres Cat Jungle) – Lot size: 30×20, Lot type: Cat Jungle, Placement: on Lakeside Drive just catty-corner to the Dog Park.

Showtime Lots
- Big Show Venue (Hoi Polloi Event Center) – Lot size: 64×64, Lot type: Big Show Venue, Placement: Next to the festival grounds at the bottom of the big hill. You’ll need to remove some of the trees around this one.

- Performance Park (Big Park) – Lot size: 30×30, Lot Type: Big Park, Placement: Next to the condo district behind the billboard.

These are all the major types of expansion lots in the game. There are still many more lots you can place – things like bars, parks, hangouts, etc. And there is still PLENTY of empty space left to place them. Just choose a lot size and move it along the road until it turns green. Not every single space along the roads will work, but many will. You can also place beach lots near the beach and more housing for your Sims!
If you play this world, please leave a comment below and let us know what you think! We have thoroughly play-tested, but it’s still possible there may be a bug we missed. If you find anything wrong, please let us know! And enjoy!
Is there a video on how to install the town.
The town is installed. I tried to follow your written instructions but when I load up my game it shows my town as empty and no active household for Don.
the link is dead. its a 404 🙁
There are two alternate download links under the download button if dropbox isn’t working.
Is it supposed to have a pop up saying that I need to install the updated version? I had no problems with the populated version but the unpopulated one is saying it’s an older version and I may experience crashes.
Hi there! Im so excited to download this – I’m unsure if just a problem for me but when I click the download button for both the links it brings me to an error message on DropBox. Apologies if this question has already been answered! What the best way to go about downloading?
Thank you so much, it looks fantastic – cant wait!!
Hi! You’ll need to use the links underneath the Download button for Sim File Share or Media Fire if Dropbox isn’t working. But I would recommend downloading the updated version of this world here: https://pleasantsims.com/sims-3-pleasantview-updated/
thank you so much!
You’re welcome!
Oh, I really wanted to play with it, but I don’t have Late Night 🙁
Hi Cindy,
I have downloaded the unpopulated world with MediaFire and put in into my Sims 3 downloads folder. I have double clicked onto it which seems to unzip it, however I can’t seem to install it, the launcher isn’t coming up.
Thank you
Hi Cindy,
Is the dropbox link above the best place to download this amazing neighborhood? Everytime I click on it, it takes me to 404 Page Not Found. 🙁
Thanks so much for making this neighborhood! I’m excited to hopefully play it and reminisce on Sims 2!
Hi Sarah, try the alternate link underneath the download button.
Hi Cindy! I have been a fan and subscriber of your youtube channel for a long time. I started playing the Sims 3 back in 2011 and around 2014 I, also, fell in love with the Sims 2 (I’m still trying to like the Sims 4 because, you know, it’s a sims game too but I lose my interest for it very easily!). I use a lot of your gameplay rules and they have made my games much more interesting…
Thank you for all your wonderful content and for giving as the chance to play Pleasantview in the Sims 3 (Pleasantview and Riverside are my favourite hoods from the Sims 2!). I find your tutorials very helpful too, in fact, you helped me fix the issue I got some time ago with the First Born Syndrom, the video you’ve made was perfect for me because I’m totally afraid to use SimPE, unless someone guides me step by step what to do…
I have only one question about Pleasantview for the Sims 3: Do I have to be patched to the 1.69 patch to be able to download and play this world? Up until now I have refused to update to 1.69 because I find it kind of lame! EA released this patch for no other reason but to make us play the Sims 3 through Origin and they still refused to fix the million bugs and glitches they left in the game. The patch is actually useless because there was, already, a mod that did exactly the same thing, allowing the player to choose which pack to use for specific save games.
I have all the EPs and SPs for the Sims 3 (even Katy Perry’s pack, lol, which has a lot of content that I find useful for decorating kids/toddlers’ rooms and I like the venues that came with it!) and almost everything from the Store, including all the worlds from it.
So, do I have to make the “sacrifice” and update to 1.69 to be able to play Pleasantview?
Hi Natassa! I don’t think you have to patch the game to play the world. It was created using Create-a-World for patch 1.69, but as far as I know you should still be able to play it with 1.67. I can’t say for sure because my game is patched, but it won’t hurt anything for you to try it out! Thank you for stopping by!
Hi Cindy, I just wanted to thank you for making this. I’ve been needing a new place to play that didn’t require too many mods and or expansion pack. And since you remade something I really liked in the sims 2, I just had to download. I wonder, are you going to make other sims 2 places for the sims 3? Also, do you have any other world recommendations that don’t require a lot of cc or expansion packs?
There are no concrete plans, but we may make other worlds in the future. As far as other custom worlds, I haven’t ever played any that are populated. But My Sim Realty has some amazing worlds you can check out: http://www.mysimrealty.com/Sims3_Worlds.html
Hi Cindy! Pleasantview is flawless, I have played the world recently, and it got a whack! The story progression made Angela got knocked up by Dustin during while being teenagers. Both Cassandra and Alexander left Mortimer alone in the house. Cassandra moved in with the Caliente sisters for some sort and Alexander (who just aged up to a teen) moved in to 113 Wright Way. I never knew NRAAS mods were so useful and make the progression go crazy!!
My question is why aren’t Michael and Bella siblings, in Bella’s family tree, it is just Cassandra and Alexander, but her brother is not in the family tree.
Because Bella was already deceased when I created Michael and I just didn’t set their family trees since they were dead. But you can easily set them as family yourself with Master Controller if you like!
Hi Cindy! I’m a big fan of your channel. I got back to playing TS2 because of you and now I went back to TS3, also because of you. The way you play the game is very inspiring!
I really want to play this version of Pleasantview you made, but I’m having an issue when installing it. TS3 Launcher will recognize the world item (as explained in your post, I’m first downloading the empty world), but when I try to download it, it says that I need an software update, which doesn’t make sense since my game is updated.
Also, I have all the EPS (minus Around the World).
Do you know why this might be happening and how to solve it?
Thank you very much in advance <3
Sorry, I don’t know. Is your game patched to version 1.69? That’s the only thing I can think of that would cause that message. If so, you might try deleting your caches and redownloading.
Thank you for replying! Indeed, my game needed an update and I just discovered it when I downloaded the latest expansion pack (Into the Future) and it updated my game (I’m a little rough at TS3 at the moment). So that was it, now I have Pleasantview in my game.
Thank you so much for sharing this with the world! Playing Pleasantview inthe Sims 3 is just the best.
In my Pleasantview Daniel Pleasant is the town thug and has so far mugged Herb Oldie and John Burb- and beaten up Dustin who is still a teenager. The last time I played I got a notification that Daniel and Lilith had started a gang… So funny!
Now THAT is hilarious! Daniel and Lilith terrorizing Pleasantview! 😆😆
I have to admit that back in Sims 2 I was not that big fan of Pleasantview. I always prefered Strangetown. However, I tried your world and I love it so far. I also already did some makeover for Goth family, especially Alexander, so he looks more like his Sims 2 counterpart and less like his Sims 4 counterpart. I also replaced that arch on their garden with an actual wedding arch from Generations and changed Cassandra’s bed for the star-shaped one. A change I also did during my last gameplay for Goth in Sims 2. I dunno why, but I think it fits her LOL
However, I am slightly disappointed you did not use Grumpy trait for Goths, since that is a running trait for Goth family in Sims 3 and I consider to change their traits to give it to them… well to Mortimer and Alexander, I don’t think it will fit Cassandra all that well.
Anyway, I already placed IP style beach which is half in water and has lifeguard chair, hot tub, IP all in one bathroom and a few palms. It fits very well to Pleasantview and it will give Sims some new outlet. I also placed my own lot with all the EPs’ cashiers, which I originally built for Isla Paradiso, but style-wise is more fit to Appaloosa Plains with its western feel LOL. Thanks to that lot, I do not need to bother with the consignment and elixir lots. I also consider to turn the big park to festival lot. I think there’s enough space for anything needed but I am a little unsure about building my own festival lot, since I never did that. I’ll see how that will turn out.
And lastly, thanks to you and Caleb for your hard work with this world. You did great job.
Hi Peno! I’m glad you like the world! We didn’t give the Goths the grumpy trait because these are The Sims 2 Goths – not the Sims 3 versions. But of course, you’re welcome to change anything you want. It’s your world now! Have fun!
Hello Cindy. I’ve found a problem in the library. I wanted to replace the stairs there with one tiled stairs, but there’s some ascending fence and the game will not allow me to get rid of it. I’ve tried anything I could think of, moveobjects, constrainfloor, nothing worked. Please help me get rid of that fence.
Hey there!
I am in love however I am trying to download the zip files and the none Unpopulated Version Alt download is just loading a blank page. I have restarted my computer downloaded multi web browsers and still blank. I was able to download the populated one no problem. I have tried to push the zip file to show with the unpopulated world but no luck. Any tips and tricks would be great!
thank you for the amazing work,
Hi noel! Sometimes SFS doesn’t want to work properly. I’ve uploaded the save file to Media Fire and you can download it here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rur6l4azib2ug1e/Pleasantview_Final1.sims3.7z/file
Have fun!
Thank you so much for creating this! I’ve wanted to play Pleasantview in TS3 for years now.
Unfortunately, I am having a small issue with playing the world. I am able to load the unpopulated world fine. However, where I try to play the populated world (via the Don Lothario save), my game always crashes before the world loads. Any suggestions? I’ve tried reinstalling both the unpopulated & populated files and reduced my graphics settings… but unfortunately it still crashes every time.
Thank you again for all of your hard work!
Hi Hannah! So sorry you’re having this issue. I have no idea why it might be happening and this is the first report I’ve heard of this. What expansion packs do you have? Usually when I have a saved game crash it’s because I don’t have the expansions selected in the launcher. Make sure you’re playing with AT LEAST Night Life. If that’s all good, the next step would be to delete your cache files. There are some really good suggestions in this thread you can try if you’re still having issues: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-PC/sim-3-save-crashing-while-loading/td-p/7397125
Hi Cindy! I tried redownloading both the Unpopulated, and Populated downloads and I cleared my WorldCaches folder. I am able to load the Unpopulated Pleasantview town without issues, but the Lothario save is now blank and says I am missing expansions.
I followed your directions on how to install both files and I have tried re-downloading and installing both several times. Do you have any other suggestions for how I can get it to work?
Thanks again!
Hey there Cindy really wanted to try out your world have followed you for awhile now. Unfortunatley when I try to download the unpop or the poulated world i am getting a 404 error as though the files no longer exist. Can you help me out?
Hi Frank! Not sure why that’s happening. My dropbox is still up and running. But I’ve updated the post with alternative download links to Sim File Share. See the link below the download buttons. Thank you for letting me know!
Hi, I am trying to download but the dropbox links are not working I keep getting an error 404 location not found?
Hi Shannon! Not sure why that’s happening. My dropbox is still up and running. But I’ve updated the post with alternative download links to Sim File Share. See the link below the download buttons. Thank you for letting me know!
Hi Cindy I have been playing the world since the beginning of may I have also installed the mods you suggested but I cannot get some of the settings on the story progression mod like child support but I absolutely love it I have actually made a save file just for how you play the game
Hi Skye! Thank you! In order to get child support, you need the Money Module for Story Progression. I play using ALL the extra modules, so if you don’t have some of them, you may not have the same settings that I do. Hope that helps!
Hi Cindy,
I’ve been spending time in the new world and it looks great. I had to set it up ready for pets, so going into each home making sure they had basics as we all know how the whole town adopt animals and EA never thought to supply the family with the required needs. I fo this process for every world I use and add cribs and strollers etc where required too. It is a process with EP’s.
I am not sure if this is a bug and I need someone to test who isn’t using mods. I am having issues with the library. Whenever Brandi Broke visits with Beau and she enters the lot, the entire game freezes with all the background sounds and trees blowing but without being able to pause or cancel actions, causing me to force close the game. I do not use third party cc in my game nor do I have any mods. I do have store content in my game.
I haven’t tried using Nrass or overwatch etc because it has never worked for me in the past, those mods cause my game to freeze at 3am in game time and requiring another force close. This library issue could just be performance issues on my end but I would appreciate if someone can test this out.
Advice for anyone struggling to place community lots for other expansion packs, I found holding ‘alt’ made it much easier, and I suggest just moving the trees out the way as described in Cindy’s directions so that you can then reposition them after.
If you have issues with the save showing up as mentioned in comments previously, after installing the world and placing the save into the correct folder, clear the DCBackup folder located in the sims 3 folder. If you have a file named ccmerged.package, do NOT delete that package, but everything else in that folder is safe to go into the trash.
Hi! Sorry you’re having issues with the library. I haven’t had any problems, but I use a lot of mods. Maybe someone else can chime in!
Hi! Fantastic job making the world! Tho i have an issue with the populated file. When I start the game it says “have been saved with expansion pack data that is no longer present on the system”. Don`t know where it went wrong. Please help.
This happens when the empty world has not been installed properly. The save file has nothing to load from. Make sure you download and install the unpopulated world through the launcher first (as you would any other Sims 3 package file). Place the package file in your Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 3 > Downloads folder. Double-click it and when the launcher appears, make sure you click on it under the “Downloads” list and choose “Install.” Hope that helps!
Hi Cindy, So happy you’re back! I’ve just downloaded the world and it looks amazing, you both did an awesome job. Just a quick question, in Story Progression, to stop the townies from being deleted, do I need the manage homeless setting set to True or False? I’m not really sure. Thank you 🙂
Hi Sophie! You’ll need to set it to False. You can see all the settings I’m currently using here: https://pleasantsims.com/sims-3-gameplay-rules/
Have fun!!
Hi! Not sure if this is even relevant or important, but the bottom part of the hot tub can easily be removed with the cheat moveobjects on, simply click the underwater basin & delete it. I had to do this with a house I built as the basin was ruining my build lol
Great download though, absolutely love it!
Yeah, I deleted the big hideous part that sticks out under the foundation but it still keeps the tub there. I tried to delete the tub, but no luck!
Hi, I downloaded the unpopulated world, installed it using the instructions and made sure it worked in-game. I then installed the populated file, extracted it using zip and added it to the saves folder but when I loaded up Pleasantview in-game it wasn’t populated. I followed the instructions but it didn’t work. What should I do?
Hi there! It sounds like you installed it correctly. But don’t start a new game using the Pleasantview world. Instead, open the save file from the list of saves. It looks like this:
Hope that helps!
It’s still not working 🙁 . All my sims 3 stuff if in a ‘DATA (D:)’ drive and in one drive. So I’m assuming the populated world isn’t compatible with that. When I try to find the save file in the picture, it says it might ‘have been saved with expansion pack data that is no longer present on the system’ message. But the world has been installed correctly and works fine without the people
I was so excited when I saw that you made a Pleasantview! Pleasantview is my favourite town to play in Sims 2 and I’m in my third generation on it in Sims 2.
I downloaded it and it loaded fine but as soon as I place an extra lot down (the 64×64 to accommodate for the festival lot) my game crashes. It’s happened a few times now. Not sure why?
Thanks again to you and Caleb for creating such a lovely world!!
Hi Ana! Sorry you’re having this problem. I haven’t experienced this or heard that anyone else has either. My guess would be that you either a mod or CC conflict. Maybe try taking all your mods/CC out and see if you still have the issue? Good luck!
I briefly watched some of your Sims 2 videos because I love the characters and stories from the Sims 2, but I just have such a deep love for The Sims 3 gameplay and mechanics. Now that Pleasantview is completely converted to The Sims 3, me and many simmers can live our these townies lives in a new way. I love a lot of the charming features in The Sims 2, but some of the features and mods flesh out and bring depth that can’t be found in other games (especially The Sims 4). Thank you! I’m very curious how long did this project take for you and Caleb to complete?
Hi Clay! So glad you like the world! I have to agree that with NRaas mods, the Sims 3 is starting to become my favorite game of the series. It took us about a month of nonstop work to create Pleasantview! 🙂
Hi, I followed the instructions but the world don’t appear with the people, I extracted the second download and it is in Saves file. Can you help me, please?
Hi! You need to install the empty world first. You install it through the Sims 3 launcher just like any other Sims 3 package file. Once that is installed, then make sure you extract the folder from the zip file you downloaded and place the folder into your Documents > Sims 3 > Saves folder. If you have done all that correctly, the save will appear. You don’t need to create a new world – this will be empty. Instead, open up the Pleasantview Save File just like if you already saved the game. Hope that helps!
Hi. Thanks for this. It is a beautiful world. I never played sims 2. If anyone is having trouble having the save game show up, as I did, you could try deleting the contents of your world cache file. It worked for me.
Also, love your lets play videos.
Thank you! That’s a great tip!
I’ve been playing around with this a bunch so far and love it! Been playing around with it a ton, and added all the expansion lots as suggested well as I adding a few of my own lots including an arcade/bowling bar, regular watering hole dive bar and a church, and it’s led to a lot of fun.
I noticed, however, the floor with the easel in the Goth house is unroutable because there’s a ceiling placed all the way through it. Is this intentional? I don’t remember it being this way in The Sims 2, but I may be wrong.
I mean a ROOF, not a ceiling.
Also slight grammar fix
*as suggested, as well as adding
Hi there! No, this is not intentional and it’s my fault! Caleb actually built the lot correctly and I didn’t like the way the roof looked so I “fixed” it. I will fix this and reupload. If you don’t want to download again, just remove the little roof piece in the front and replace with two roof pieces on either side. Thanks for letting me know!
I’ve spent the last several hours reinstalling Origin and Sims 3 just so I could play with this!! Installing from the launcher was no problem; however, when I get into the game I am not finding an option to load the save file anywhere, so my map still shows only the empty world. Am I just being obtuse? (Entirely possible, since I’m not even a little bit familiar with the TS3 mechanics!) I’ve been reading the “download instructions” section of this post over and over again trying to make sure my understanding was correct…I believe that I have each file saved into the correct place. So I give up! What am I doing wrong????
Hi Stephanie! As Kayleigh said, you need to extract the folder from the zipped files before it will work! There are lots of good tutorials out there for how to extract files. Good luck!
Thanks to Kayleigh & Cindy for their expertise; I did get it figured out! Hooray!! Can’t wait to start playing.
This is good stuff. I have been remaking Sims 2 content for Sims 3 myself (Although I lack Create-A-world skills), and have everything from Sims Life Stories’ first neighbourhood complete, minus its MANY townies and NPCs, and I too have been making Pleasantview content. We differ in philosophy slightly with design choices (I keep things EXACTLY the same as humanly possible, but im guilty of adding the same electrical boxes, as well as recycling bins), but its good to see someone else doing this stuff
Ive been including the ancestor sims, going so far as to make a special alien tombstone for the Caliente family’s alien ancestor, and I am also including content from Sims 2 PS2’s Pleasantview, like Rockwell Acres, the house you start the game in.
That sounds awesome! Making The Sims 2 in The Sims 3 is a lot of fun! 🙂
Hi! I am sorry to bother you, but when I downloaded the save file, it doesn’t appear with my save files. Do I absolutely need Night life, or is it needed just for the items, and I could play without it? Because I don’t have that expansion pack. Thank you so much, and you and Caleb did an amazing job. 🙂
Hi Maddy! The save file will show up no matter what expansions you have, so make sure you put it in the correct folder. However, you do need Late Night to play the world. The Bridge across the ocean to the military base is from LN and without it, your Sims will not be able to access that area. You also won’t have hot tubs in the condos. If you need it, you can buy a game code for LN super cheap from G2A: https://www.g2a.com/r/sims3ln or Instant Gaming: https://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/gamer-7d7c1f/
I know it sounds crazy but you need to unzip the folder into your saves not just move the downloaded file. Sorry if you have done this it’s just that I didn’t the first time and couldn’t understand why it wasn’t showing up in my saves. But I do have moments where my brain switches off every now and again ha ha. Good luck
Oh hang on, that’s super helpful.. I’ll try that and update my comment if it worked — not sure how the 7zip program works to extract files (my husband installed it for me but I’ve never actually had to use it before!), but good thing I’m off today so have plenty of hours to struggle…. Lol. Thanks! :]
When I downloaded it, it didn’t download as a zip file. It wasn’t even a file. I’m not sure what it was. It looked like it might have been a document? I’m not sure.
They are definitely zip files. If you have never unzipped a file on your computer before or don’t currently have a file archiving program like 7-zip, the file type will be unassociated. It may look like a piece of paper with the corner folded. It’s still a zip file. You just need to right-click and choose “Open With” to associate it with a file archiving program (Winrar or 7-zip). Hope that helps!
Thank you so much!!! I’m sorry, that’s how they downloaded, but I didn’t know they were zip files. Thank you!!!
No problem! Glad to help!
I would really love to play this, but it won’t let me load the populated world in my game. It says that it was saved with an expansion pack that I don’t have installed… but I have Late Night, Seasons, Ambitions, Generations and Pets all activated. Is it possible that maybe the wrong version was uploaded?
Hi Bianca! This problem happens when you don’t have the empty world properly installed. You need both downloads from above. Make sure you install the world through the launcher like you would any other Sims 3 package file. Then, the save file will work.
This is AMAZING. Works perfectly and its so accurate. The only problem I had was placing more lots to add TS3 community lots (like a festival ground and all that stuff) because the game says that lots cannot be placed because of the roads. If this gets any update anytime, I would suggest “expanding” Pleasantview to accomodate more lots, since TS3 has so many places to go. Also a beach and dive spots would be nice. But the world is great great great as it is.
Hi and thanks for your comment! I just added a guide to adding expansion lots. I was able to add all of the major expansion lots with a ton of room left over. I hope this helps! https://pleasantsims.com/sims-3-pleasantview/#Expansion
Thank You…..I Love It
Hi Cindy!
Such a great job! Thank you a lot for this!
I don’t know if I did something wrong, but after loading the save I’m getting notification that some objects have removed or replaced and what I’ve noticed is Brandi Broke has different haircut and there’s no jacuzzi tub in Lothario and Caliente house.
I have Late Night Expansion Pack.
Thank you for your support!
Hi there! Those are all Late Night expansion items, so it sounds like you might have started the game without LN being selected in the launcher. I would check to make sure you have it selected and that it’s installed properly.
OMG….. Thank you for creating this. Amazing. Will you be making a lets play? I cannot wait to play this hood.
Thanks! I haven’t decided yet, but I’m considering it! 🙂
help , I cant get the populated world to work , I did everything that the instructions said but still no sims . I have the empty world to work but not the populated one :C
Are you choosing the save file when you start the game instead of the world from the drop-down box? If you just choose “Pleasantview” from the world selection and start a new save, this will always be empty. If you installed the save file correctly, you should have a new Pleasantview save that shows up. Open that save file and it will be populated.
Cool idea, but I’m really sad that there’s no family trees.
There are family trees, they just go back a single generation. You’re free to create all the ancestors yourself if you want them in your game! 🙂
Thank you for releasing this, I’ve been playing mostly in the same custom world for a few years now but it’s gonna be so fun to have a new town to explore. I was just wondering if you had any advice on how to get the Sims 3 to run a little faster? I was used to the lag before I got back into playing the Sims 2 but now it’s a bit tedious in comparison 🙄
Hi Willow! My advice is to first use the Nraas mods Overwatch and Error Trap if you don’t already. These significantly reduce lag. Here is a great resource for improving game performance: https://www.nraas.net/community/TIPS-FOR-BETTER-GAME-PERFORMANCE
Hello! Thank you so much for creating this. I just have an installation concern. I have The Sims 3 base game, Ambitions, Late Night, Pets, and World Adventures. When I loaded the game, I got a message saying that it couldn’t load the world because it was saved with a different version of the game.
Hi Amanda! Please make sure you install the empty world first or you will get this message. You have to install the empty world through the launcher and then install the save file.
Hi there! I have the complete collection that isn’t through Steam or Origin so there’s no launcher for me. I installed both the save file and the empty world at the same time… do I need to open the Unpop world first in game THEN exit and add the save file in or??? I hope I am making sense.
I don’t think so. You should be able to just install them both at the same time, but if that doesn’t work you can always try installing the world first.
I downloaded both the unpopulated and populated files and got this message. So I deleted those files and downloaded the files through SFS and it all worked wonderfully.
Don’t know if you solved your problem but if not, I hope this helps.
Hi, Thankyou both so much! This is so cool! I just download it and can’t wait to start. I will let you know if there are any bugs. I have one thing to mention. On this page you show one of the condo’s but its not Don’s condo but the Caliente condo. Have a nice day 🙂
Oops! You’re right about that! I changed the caption. 🙂
This is incredible!!! What a perfect way to start my Monday! Thanks so much, Cindy and Caleb!!
Thanks Jacob! I hope you enjoy it!