The Sims 4 Inner Peace Aspiration Guide (Spa Day)

Sims 4 Inner Peace Aspiration

The Sims 4 Inner Peace aspiration was added in the recent Spa Day Game Pack refresh. It focuses on finding true harmony through wellness. It’s all about keeping emotions in check – which can be very difficult!

This Sim is on a quest to achieve Inner Peace. Although true harmony is sometimes ephemeral, what’s important is developing tools to help mitigate negative emotions. 

The bonus trait for this aspiration is “Spa Membership.” According to the trait description:

Sims with this trait have come into possession of a spa membership. Nobody is really sure where it came from, how to cancel it, or who keeps paying for it each month. But one thing is for certain, all fees at Spas are waived! Nice!

Best Traits for Inner Peace

The best traits for the inner peace aspiration are:

  • Cheerful
  • Self-Assured
  • Goofball

Cheerful is a good choice because it causes your Sim to become happy more often. Since the final goal of this aspiration is to go 48 hours without having a negative emotion, being cheerful by nature helps. 

Self-Assured results in a more frequent positive emotion (confidence) with no chance of causing a negative emotion. Goofball works the same way, causing Sims to be playful but not tied to a negative. 

Tip: Avoid traits like gloomy, hot-headed, high-maintenance, or loner (anything that cause negative emotions) for the Inner Peace aspiration. They will make it much harder to complete the final step. 

Inner Peace Aspiration Goals

The aspiration goals for Inner Peace are:

  • Practice Mindfulness (6 times)
  • Seek Relaxation (6 times)
  • Find Peaceful Surroundings (40 times)
  • Maintain Harmony

Let’s take a look at how to achieve these goals in the game. 

Practice Mindfulness

Seek Inner Peace by meditating or doing yoga for 6 hours. 

It doesn’t get any more straight-forward than that. Purchase a yoga mat or meditation stool and get started! Or, go to the gym and use the ones there for free. 

Sims 4 Practice Mindfulness
Practice Mindfulness by meditating or doing yoga.

Your Sim can probably knock this goal out in one day. I kind of wish it would have required more than six hours to add some difficulty. But, it is only the first step. Six hours of yoga and meditation got my Sim to level 3 wellness. 

Seek Relaxation

Treat yourself! Receive massages, use bath soaks, or use saunas for 6 hours. 

This is another entirely-too-easy step. But it was fun to take my Sim through getting massages, soaking in the tub, and using the saunas. I was able to finish this one in another single day (but to be fair my Sim has no life besides fulfilling this aspiration).

Sims 4 Seek Relaxation
A bath with soaks is one way to seek relaxation at the spa. 

The easiest way to complete this would probably be sitting in the sauna for 6 hours, but you can stretch it out (and have more fun) by doing the other activities too. Each massage gives your Sim one hour of relaxation.

Find Peaceful Surroundings

Find peace by reading Wellness Books, listening to New-Age or Focus Music, or smelling incense. 

I believe the description for this step is incorrect or it’s broken.

Reading wellness books, listening to New-Age, and smelling incense did not update the goal. It only updated when I walked into a room with incense burning or walked into a room where New Age music was playing.

Sims 4 Find Peaceful Surroundings
To complete this goal, walk into rooms with incense burning or New Age playing.

And, it only updated the first time my Sim entered such a room on a lot – either at home or at a Spa. I had to leave the lot and come back to get the goal to update again. That part is probably by design or it would be far too easy.

It also updated after my Sim slept for the night. When she woke up and went into her living room again with New Age playing, it gave her credit. I’m not sure what’s going on with this one, but maybe you’ll eventually complete it accidentally?

Maintain Harmony

Try to keep a clear mind! Go 48 hours without getting Angry, Tense, Scared, Embarrassed or Uncomfortable. 

This is the most difficult part of the aspiration. Even good-natured Sims tends to get tense or embarrassed every now and then. Here are some tips to help keep your Sim balanced long enough:

  • Keep your Sim home where you can control the environment better.
  • Have a high-quality bed and refrigerator to prevent becoming uncomfortable.
  • Play your Sim’s favorite music non-stop in their house.
  • Burn soothing incense in every room.
  • Meditate and/or perform yoga as often as possible.
  • Watch your social and call a friend if it gets low.
  • In fact, watch all your motives and don’t let any of them drop too low.
  • Don’t read skill books beyond your Sim’s skill level (this is how I ruined it for myself).

If your Sim doesn’t live alone, this is going to be a lot harder. All it takes is one kid walking in on you in the bathroom to cause embarrassment. Then, you’ll have to start all over. 

Tip: Get a fire prevention unit if you burn a lot of incense while working on your aspiration. Starting a fire will make your Sim tense and ruin all your progress!

Clear Perspective Trait

The reward trait from completing the Inner Peace aspiration is called “Clear Perspective.” 

Your Sim has a clear head on their shoulders! They are now able to have a brief respite from the harshness of reality and re-contextualize things. Like how it’s all sort of meaningless…but in a good way! 

Once you get this trait, click on your Sim and choose “Have a Moment of Clarity.” You’ll get a moodlet that makes you immune to negative emotions for three hours. 

Sims 4 Moment of Clarity Buff
Have a moment of clarity every day to keep negative emotions at bay.

You can only use this ability once every 24 hours, but it can be quite helpful if your Sim has a stressful life. Maybe wait until you complete this aspiration before getting married and having kids! I can see this helping a new mother a lot. 

Thoughts on The Sims 4 Inner Peace Aspiration

I found this aspiration to be quite easy – especially the first three steps (even with the third one being buggy). It’s definitely a lot easier than the Zen Guru aspiration

To be fair, I devoted all my Sim’s time to this aspiration (for research purposes, of course). If your Sim had a family and full-time job, it might take a while to fit 6 hours of yoga and massage into their schedule.

Still, I don’t think this would take a Sim’s entire lifetime to complete. Perhaps increasing the hours required for mindfulness and relaxation would help? I’m not sure. But if you want an easy, relaxing aspiration, this one is for you. 

PS. If you’re still on the fence about buying Spa Day, check out my after-the-refresh review to get an in-depth look at everything this pack has to offer.

3 thoughts on “The Sims 4 Inner Peace Aspiration Guide (Spa Day)”

  1. Meditating added to the “Find Peaceful Surroundings” goal for me! My sim is level 10 wellness, I’m not sure if that had an effect.

    • So far, Zen Guru is my favorite. But I haven’t played Spa Specialist all the way through. I hope to get that one done today or tomorrow! From the sound of it, I think Zen Guru will still be my fave, though.


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