How to Clone a Neighborhood In The Sims 2

Sims 2 Clone Neighborhood

In this article, I’ll show you an easy way to copy or clone a neighborhood in The Sims 2. Now you can have more than one copy of a premade ‘hood (such as Pleasantview or Strangetown) in your game at the same time.

Note: I have Windows 10, but the steps should be similar if you have Windows 7. Some folder names may be slightly different. 

Clone a Base Game Neighborhood

1. If you have the Ultimate Collection, navigate to Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > Double Deluxe > Base > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods 

If you have the disc version, navigate to Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EA Games > The Sims 2 > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods

  • N001 = Pleasantview
  • N002 = Strangetown
  • N003 = Veronaville

2. Right click on the folder for the neighborhood you want to clone, and select COPY.

3. Right click on your desktop and select PASTE.

Clean Templates Tip
If you’re using clean templates, you don’t need to copy the neighborhood folder from your Program Files. Simply redownload the clean template, place it on your desktop and continue with the following steps.

4. Rename the folder to change the number. For example, N009 or N231. Just make sure to choose a number different from your current neighborhoods.

You can see your currently installed neighborhoods by navigating to Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Neighborhoods. 

My currently installed neighborhoods. Don’t use any of these numbers or you will overwrite the neighborhood.

5. After renaming the folder on your desktop, open it and you will see four folders followed by three files. The three files will have the same number as the original neighborhood. Rename them to the same number you renamed the folder. 

For example, I’m renaming my N001 folder to N009. Next, I’ll change the three files to N009 like this:

6. Now, open the “Characters” folder. Every file in this folder must be renamed to match the new folder number.

In my example, all instances of N001 must be changed to N009. You can do this manually, one at a time, or you can use a file renaming utility to make it go faster. My folder has 133 files in it that need to be changed, so doing it manually can take a while. 

File Renaming Tip
I recommend using the Bulk Rename Utility to make this process fast and easy. It’s a free download and will replace ALL your files at once.

Here’s a quick look at using the Bulk Rename Utility to rename your files.

How to Use Bulk Rename Utility

  1. Navigate to Desktop > N009 (or whatever your folder is named) > Characters. This should populate the character files in the box (#2).
  2. Select all the files by clicking on one of them and pressing Ctrl + A. They should all turn blue to indicate they are selected.
  3. Enter the original file number in the “Replace” box. Enter the number you want to change it to in the “With” box. In my case, I entered N001 in the “Replace” box and N009 in the “With” box. This will change all instances of N001 to N009.
  4. Click the “Rename” button and you’re done! 

7. Now, repeat these steps for all files in the “Lots” and “Thumbnails” folders. Everything that once said N001 must now say N009 (or whatever numbers you are using). 

8. Once everything is renamed, cut and paste your newly numbered neighborhood folder into your Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Neighborhoods folder.

9. Load up your game and you will have a CLONED NEIGHBORHOOD available on the neighborhood selection screen. In my case, I have TWO PLEASANTVIEWS. One I’ve already been playing in, and the other one is a brand new ‘hood that’s never been played.

Cloning an Expansion Pack Neighborhood

Cloning one of the three expansion pack ‘hoods works the same way as cloning a base game ‘hood. The only difference is where you find the original neighborhood in your program files. 

Belladonna Cove

If you have the Ultimate Collection, the original Belladonna Cove is found at Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > Apartment Life > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods. 

If you have the disc version, you can find Belladonna Cove at Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Apartment Life > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods.

E001 is the name of the Belladonna Cove folder. Copy it to your desktop and continue with step 2 at the top of this post. 

Riverblossom Hills

If you have the Ultimate Collection, the original Riverblossom Hills is found at Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > Seasons > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods.

If you have the disc version, you can find Riverblossom Hills at Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Seasons > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods.

G001 is the name of the Riverblossom Hills folder. Copy it to your desktop and continue with step 2 at the top of this post. 

Desiderata Valley

If you have the Ultimate Collection, the original Desiderata Valley is found at Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > Free Time > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods. 

If you have the disc version, you can find Riverblossom Hills at Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Free Time > TSData > Res > UserData > Neighborhoods.

F001 is the name of the Desiderata Valley folder. Copy it to your desktop and continue with step 2 at the top of this post. 

Unplayed Neighborhoods
If you are cloning a neighborhood that you have NEVER played before, you can copy the folder directly from your Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Neighborhoods folder. But ONLY if you have never played it, as this method will copy the ‘hood in its current state.

Cloning a Custom Neighborhood

If you want to clone a custom neighborhood, simply download a fresh copy from the creator’s website (or wherever you got it from). Paste the neighborhood folder onto your desktop and continue with step 2 at the top of this post. This is only necessary if you are currently playing the neighborhood and want a SECOND copy of it in your game. 

Cloning a custom ‘hood is probably the easiest since you don’t have to search through your program files to find an original, unplayed copy. This is also the way to go if you use clean templates for the Maxis ‘hoods. 

11 thoughts on “How to Clone a Neighborhood In The Sims 2”

  1. Hey, Cindy! I know this is an old post but I’m desperate! I am trying to move files from my old computer to my new one and used this method so that I could keep the “fresh” PV as well as my old PV. Unfortunately, no matter how I rename all the files or where I pull them from, they just will not show in my game. Do you have any idea why the hood would not show up at all? Thanks in advance!

  2. Ahh, this didn’t work for me. I copied over the files and changed all the names only to end up with the second neighborhood without any lots or sims. I’m not sure what I did wrong.

    • If you don’t have any lots or Sims, that’s a sign that the character and lot names didn’t get changed. Make sure you changed ALL of them. You have to select all in the rename utility or it will only change a single one.

  3. Hi Cindy I’m finding it really hard to clone a neighbourhood I also have a question if I clone neighbourhood I’ve already played in will that hood clone have the same game play upto when I cloned it or will it be how it was before I played in it Really hope that makes sense

  4. Hi Cindy I have a question regarding the clone a neighbourhood I am silly difficult to clone them but also I have a question if you’ve played on the original neighbourhood well that copy over to the new clone. I’ve been watching your streams I am from the UK.

  5. Hello, I really appreciate your work <3
    I have followed the steps, renamed the files, but the neighborhood is not added to my game, it is not "duplicated". I don't know what I'll do wrong (I have Ultimate collection) 🙁

  6. Thank you so much for this! It’s so easy to follow (especially using the renaming thing). I’ve just created a duplicate Pleasantview and so am very happy


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