Pleasant Sims NRaas Mod Settings for Sims 3

Sims 3 NRaas Mod Settings

I use nearly ALL of the NRaas mods in my Sims 3 gameplay. If you’re interested in playing my way or just want inspiration for your own settings, I hope this will help!

I play The Sims 3 rotationally (Sims 2-style) and these settings reflect that. If you have a different play style, these settings may not be the best choice for you. 

LAST UPDATE: June 01, 2021 – Added Story Progression settings for rotational gameplay. 

Table of Contents


I use Consigner to allow my Sims to buy/sell pets at the consignment store and to adjust the prices of pets. You can set the prices to anything you want, but I like to sell puppies for the most money, followed by adults, with elders being the least expensive.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Consigner:

  • Allow Sell All = True
  • Consignment Report Gate = 1
  • Pet Sales > Base Price: Adult = 50
  • Pet Sales > Base Price: Elder = 25
  • Pet Sales > Bonus per Good Trait = 25
  • Pet Sales > Bonus per Prey Caught/Object Found = 0
  • Pet Sales > Bonus per Skill Level = 0
  • Pet Sales > Occult Bonus = 50
  • Pet Sales > Pedigree Bonus = 50
  • Pet Sales > Penalty for Inbreeding = 25
  • Pet Sales > Penalty for Bad Trait = 25

Go Here

I use Go Here to disable auto grouping, prevent Sims leaving community lots autonomously, and to add the “teleport” option for all Sims.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Go Here:

  • Disable Active Go Home = True
  • Disable Auto Grouping = True
  • Teleport: For Everyone = True

Master Controller

I couldn’t live without Master Controller. It has a lot of amazing uses, but I only change a couple settings.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Master Controller:

  • Settings > CAS > Show in Compact Form: Accessories = True
  • Settings > CAS > Show in Compact Form: Clothing = True
  • Settings > CAS > Show in Compact Form: Hats = True
  • Settings > Family Tree Levels = 6
  • Settings > Retain Dreams and Opportunities = True


I use Mover in conjunction with Master Controller to make sure my Sims retain their wishes, dreams, and opportunities when switching between households. In the vanilla game (or if this setting is not used), Sims drop all their wishes when you move to another household.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Mover:

  • Retain Dreams and Opportunities = True

Note: You must also set this to True in Master Controller or it won’t work. I learned that the hard way!


I use Overwatch to clean up various processes in the game and prevent lag. Also, I like to disable the horrible full-moon lighting and stop pet adoptions.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Overwatch:

  • Settings > Clean up All Homeless = False
  • Settings > Clean up Situations = True
  • Settings > Delete all Magical Gnomes = True
  • Settings > Disable Full Moon Lighting = True
  • Settings > Purge Genetic Hair = True
  • Settings > Stop Pet Adoption = True
  • Settings > Testing Cheats Enabled = True


I use Register to manage the Service and Role Sims in town, restrict the number of stray animals, and completely stop tourists and the paparazzi from spawning. I also adjust various pricing for services including adoption, babysitter, maid, butler, and newspaper delivery.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Register:

  • Animal Control > Maximum Deer = 2
  • Animal Control > Maximum Racoon = 2
  • Animal Control > Maximum Stray Cats = 2
  • Animal Control > Maximum Stray Dogs = 2
  • Animal Control > Maximum Unicorns = 1
  • Animal Control > Maximum Wild Horses = 2
  • Global Roles > Allow Paparazzi = False
  • Pay per Hour = 10
  • Service > Acrobat > Pool Size = 0
  • Service > Adoption Service > Cost = 250
  • Service > Babysitter > Cost = 25
  • Service > Burglar > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Butler > Cost = 500
  • Service > Fire Department > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Magician > Pool Size = 0
  • Service > Maid > Cost = 50
  • Service > Maid > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Mail Carrier > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Newspaper Delivery > Cost = 3
  • Service > Newspaper Delivery > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Pizza Delivery > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Police > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Repairman > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Repoman > Pool Size = 1
  • Service > Science Geek > Pool Size = 0
  • Service > Singer > Pool Size = 0
  • Service > University Mascot > Pool Size = 0
  • Tourists > Allow Tourists = False


I use Relativity to prevent the annoying Jock/Nerd/Rebel influence system.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Relativity:

  • Show Notice = False
  • Skill Gain Factors: Jock Influence = -1000
  • Skill Gain Factors: Nerd Influence = -1000
  • Skill Gain Factors: Rebel Influence = -1000


I use Retuner primarily to increase (a little) my chance of twins and triplets, disable zombies and the University mascot, and to adjust prices for face painting, books, groceries, and items available in the consignment store.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Retuner > Settings > General > By Tunable XML:

  • Sims3.Gameplay.ActiveCareer.ActiveCareers > ActiveFireFighter > kMinNumCoworkers = 0
  • Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems > Pregnancy > kChanceofTriplets = 0.01
  • Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems > Pregnancy > kChanceofTwins = 0.05
  • Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems > Pregnancy > kNumberOfPuddlesForWaterBreak > 1
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Controllers > LunarCycleManager > kChancetoSpawnZombies = 0
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Controllers > LunarCycleManager > kNumOfSimsToBeZombifiedOnFullMoon = 0
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Miscellaneous > FacePaintingBooth > kPaintingCost = 10
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.RabbitHoles > Grocery > kShoppingTuning > PercentPriceModifier = -75
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.RabbitHoles > Bookstore > kShoppingTuning > PercentPriceModifier = -75
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Register > ConsignmentRegister > kConsignmentPrices > 0 = 0.70
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Register > ConsignmentRegister > kConsignmentPrices > 1 = 0.60
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Register > ConsignmentRegister > kConsignmentPrices > 2 = 0.50
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Register > ConsignmentRegister > kConsignmentPrices > 3 = 0.40
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Register > ConsignmentRegister > kConsignmentPrices > 4 = 0.30
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Situations > MascotIntroSituation > kCameraCenterOnLotTime = 0
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Situations > MascotIntroSituation > kDoCameraZoom = False
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Situations > MascotIntroSituation > kGlobalMascotTimeout = 1000000
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Situations > MascotIntroSituation > kHoursToIdle = 0.01
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Situations > MascotIntroSituation > kHoursToWaitForGreet = 0.01
  • Sims3.Gameplay.Situations > MascotIntroSituation > kInitialWaitTime = 1000000


I use Tagger to see what all my Sims are up to in Map View and to check their sexual orientation, net worth, and other information at a glance.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Tagger:

  • Options > Enable Sim Tags > True


I use Woohooer to manage risky woohoo, teen pregnancy, and autonomous behaviors for my Sims and animals. Think of this as the Sims 3 version of ACR.

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Woohooer:

  • General > Enforce Privacy = True
  • General > Link to Story Progression = False
  • General > Matchmaker Cost = 100
  • General > Matchmaker Only Lists Residents = True
  • General > Species: Cat/Dog/Horse > Maximum Household Size for Autonomous = 3
  • General > Species: Human > Maximum Household Size for Autonomous = 5
  • General > Unlock Actions for Teenagers = True
  • Risky > Species: Human > Autonomous Risky = True
  • Risky > Species: Human > Risky Baby Success Rate: Teen = 5
  • Skinny Dip > Allow Teen Skinny Dip = True
  • Try for Baby > Species: Cat/Dog/Horse > Allow Same Sex Try For Baby = False
  • Try for Baby > Species: Cat/Dog/Horse > Autonomous Try For Baby = True
  • Try for Baby > Species: Human > Allow Same Sex Try for Baby = False
  • Try for Baby > Species: Human > Autonomous Try for Baby = True
  • Woohoo > Allow Teen Woohoo = True
  • Woohoo > Replace Woohoo with Risky = True
  • Woohoo > Species: Cat/Dog/Horse > Autonomous Woohoo = True
  • Woohoo > Species: Human > Autonomous Woohoo = True
  • Woohoo > Species: Human > Autonomous Woohooty Texting = True

Story Progression

I use Story Progression to play rotationally Sims 2-style. See this tutorial on setting up castes for rotational gameplay. The following settings are general story progression settings only and do not include castes. 

General Options

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Story Progression > General Options:

  • Options: Careers > Auto Find Job = False
  • Options: Careers > Auto Tones for Active = True
  • Options: Careers > Manage Bosses = False
  • Options: Careers > Manage Coworkers = False
  • Options: Careers > Options: Retirement > Assign Self Employed Retirement = False
  • Options: Careers > Options: School > Summer Off = Elementary, High School
  • Options: Flirt > Chance of Bisexual Sim = 10
  • Options: Flirt > Chance of Gay Sim = 20
  • Options: Households > Mange Homeless = False
  • Options: Money > Handle Inactive Deeds > False
  • Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Child Support Payment = 5
  • Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Elder Support Payment = 0
  • Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Jail-Time Court Costs = 100
  • Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Minimum Debt to Be Poor Household = 500
  • Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Social Security per Elder = 20
  • Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Welfare per Child = 10
  • Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Cars and Motorbikes Minimum Funds = 1000000
  • Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Cars and Motorbikes Minimum Price = 1000000
  • Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Inactive Purchase Deeds = 100000000
  • Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Purchase Rental Lot Minimum = 100000000
  • Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Purchase Canes = False
  • Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Purchase Strollers = False
  • Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Purchase Umbrellas = False
  • Options: Pregnancy > Meet All Family at Birth = 25
  • Options: Romance > Rename Children on Marriage = False
  • Options: Skills > Allow Party Instrument = True
  • Options: Skills > Celebrity per Skill Level = 1
  • Options: Skills > Prompt to Name Great Nectar = False
  • Options: Stories > Disallow Stories > Careers: InactiveHomework*

*I disable this story because it results in constant spam about how kids are doing their homework at the library. I find it annoying and unnecessary.

Town Options

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Story Progression > Town Options:

  • Career > Allow Carpool = False
  • Friendship: Allow Celebrity = False
  • Money: Allow Inventory Management = False
  • Money: Allow Purchase Deeds = False
  • Money: Child Support Base Chance = 90

Caste Options

To change settings, click on City Hall or an in-game computer. Navigate to NRaas > Story Progression > Caste Options:

  • Teenagers > Pregnancy: Allow Participation = True

30 thoughts on “Pleasant Sims NRaas Mod Settings for Sims 3”

  1. hi everyone i just downloaded some of the nrass mods for my game but one of them has changed my view and how i turn it turns around so slow but moves fast im not sure which nrass mod it is can someone help me please

  2. Hi Cindy!
    I just tried starting a rotation game in Sims 3, and I was wondering how you keep up with when the sims in the various households age up? Is there a way to get a warning when it’s a sims birthday so you don’t miss it (because you’re in another household)?

    • I keep up with it on a spreadsheet, but still I sometimes miss them if something else is going on. There’s really no way besides keeping up with it manually. I haven’t really been playing this way lately though. Now days, I don’t let my Sims age when I’m not playing them so I don’t have to worry about it.

  3. Hi, Cindy! I’ve been messing around with making my Sims 3 function like yours, but it takes a lot of work that my brain just can’t do. Have you made any progress on a downloadable file of everything?

  4. Hello Cindy, I would like to point out that at the Retuner mod, it’s not (Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Situations>…) it’s (Sims3.Gameplay.Situations >…).
    Thank you so much for everything that you are doing, you are my hero. Keep up the good work!

  5. Hey Cindy! Are the reduced price settings listed here still to go with the Minimum Wage Mod or do you also use them with standard wages?
    Btw, thank you very much for sharing! I just spent quite some hours to adjust my settings to yours. 🙂

  6. Hi again Cindy! I was wondering if you would please make a tutorial video on how you play the Sims 3 in rotation like you did for the Sims 2. I’m trying to play like you are but I’m totally lost. 🙂

  7. I absolutely HATE zombies in TS3, so I’m definitely going to use the retuner. Not post related, but I’ve been binging your old streams on YouTube whilst working, and I think I’m addicted to it – help! 😂Also, is there a way to give an NPC/townie a family (if they have no tree) in TS2? My Sim has no luck with the maxis families and so I had to resort to dating townies, but I want family trees. Thanks for the helpful guides Cindy, and have a good weekend!

    • Hi! In Sims 2, I think this can be accomplished with Sim Blender. I haven’t ever tried it, but I assume that it would work on townies. You might try playing around with it in a test hood first.

  8. Hey Cindy, love your work, specially your pleasantview let’s play…
    I know that is a weird request, but I am Brazilian and a portuguese speaker, and because of that may game is in Portuguese… I was trying to set my narss configurations like yours but someone translated the career module of the story progression mod in a way that I can’t relate to yours…. Can you take a picture for me of this piece for me? If you can’t I really understand tho…
    Have a nice break and a nice day

  9. I am playing Brandi Broke and her toddler will not read books. In my other worlds they do but not in Pleasantville. Can you tell me how to fix this?

  10. Hi Cindy!
    I absolutely love everything you do and I spent a few hours configuring my custom hood using your recommendations. It’s a ton of work you’ve done and I’m very grateful. I am already a subscriber on Twitch but now I’m going to also be a patron 🙂

  11. Hi Cindy! Thank you so much for this explanation! The settings will apply for every world saved? Or is it just for the one currently playing?

  12. Hi Cindy –

    I just wanted to thank you for posting your SP settings, where I got some great ideas from you, and especially this page where you explain exactly what you use these other mods to do in game. Nraas has so many mods and sometimes it’s hard to understand how or why you’d even need some of these smaller mods but reading how you’re using them is a tremendous help. I recently got a new computer with Windows 10 and decided to install and play Sims 2, 3, and 4 simultaneously. Sims 3, in particular, seems like a nightmare trying to set up SP, MC, OW, etc and dealing with the launcher & downloads dashboard and their idiosyncrasies so your help – and the fact it’s actually CURRENT – is wonderful. I’ve been playing Sims since Sims 1 came out but have been unable to play for the last 6-7 years due to family health issues so it’s great to find relevant and current interest and such good, detailed info. Keep up the great work!


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